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National Mall receives most votes for Tower of Invincibility after first 3 days of polling

The Towers Company    Translate This Article
17 October 2007

Press Release

New Monument to Be a Symbol of America's Peace, Freedom, and Sovereignty

(October 10, 2007) The National Mall is emerging after three days of voting as the first choice of Washington area citizens who are deciding where to build the Tower of Invincibility—'a grand new monument to America's peace, freedom, and sovereignty.'

Washington developer Jeffrey S. Abrahmson, who announced on Friday plans to build the Tower of Invincibility and invited the public to choose where the monument should be built, said more than 200 suggestions have been submitted to the website: Over 50 different site locations proposed: the National Mall is in first place with 38% of the votes. The Pentagon area is in second place with 14% of the vote and Anacostia is in third place with 6% of the vote.

'The trends are clear from these first three days of voting—a majority of the people want the Tower of Invincibility to be built on the National Mall,' Mr. Abramson said.

Mr. Abramson is a partner with the Towers Companies, a prominent Washington area commercial real estate firm. The Towers Companies was named '2007 Business of the Year' by the D.C. Chamber of Commerce.

The Tower of Invincibility, a striking white marble-clad structure, will be approximately 20,000 square feet, 12 stories high, with an observatory on top that will provide 360-degree views of the city. The Tower will require a minimum of one acre of land for the building and public gardens. It will incorporate green, sustainable design and will house multimedia exhibitions on the science and technologies of consciousness, which will ensure permanent world peace and national invincibility.

'The Tower of Invincibility in Washington, D.C., will be a grand addition to the monuments that grace our nation's capital,' Mr Abramson said. 'It will be an enduring symbol of the scientific knowledge that will prevent war and promote true freedom and security for America—and for every nation in our world family.'

Copyright © 2007 The Towers Company

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