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Maharishi Peace Colony progresses in Denmark - Dr Ole Markmann presents a vision of ideal living
by Global Good News staff writer

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11 October 2007

Plans for a Maharishi Peace Colony and Maharishi Vedic College are gaining momentum in Denmark. In the coming months the foundation will be laid for many Founders of Invincibility to enjoy beautiful new homes built according to Maharishi's Vedic Architecture. Architectural designs have been prepared by the Maharishi Sthapatya Veda department of the Global Country of World Peace.

Dr Ole Markmann, a Teacher of Transcendental Meditation and Founder of Invincibility for his nation, has been overseeing the development. Speaking recently on the Maharishi Channel, Dr Markmann laid out a vision of heavenly life for everyone who chooses to reside in the Maharishi Peace Colony. He said that the overall purpose of the project is to create an environment where many of Denmark's 700 Yogic Flyers can live comfortably and practise the TM-Sidhi Programme together.

The development is situated in Trelde Naes, near Frederica, a beautiful city of historic significance with a booming business sector. Trelde Naes is ideally located as it is a main intersection of rail and sea connections, and is central to the five largest cities of Denmark.

Dr Markmann described the area around Treld Naes as 'scenic, peaceful, and secluded'. A large forest lies within walking distance of the site. The Maharishi Peace Colony will have a private path to the north leading to a beautiful and secluded beach only a short walk away. There is a yachting harbour and a golf course nearby.

Residences are planned to suit people of different income levels. In the initial phase of construction, 22 individual homes will be built from four different models which incorporate Maharishi Sthapatya Veda principles while making use of traditional Danish designs typically found in affluent city areas.

Maharishi Vedic College, which is planned for the second phase, will include more affordable housing in 32 apartments, along with lecture halls, meeting rooms, and areas for group practice of Yogic Flying.

The land near the college, which is approximately 10 hectares, will be used for cultivating organic vegetables for the use of residents, and to provide income for the self-sufficiency of the college. Space for offices, workshops etc are integrated into the designs in order that residents can avoid commuting to larger cities to earn their living.

Dr Markmann mentioned that there is good local support for the development. It is hoped that construction will begin within the next four months. The Maharishi Peace Colony will provide a physical base from where invincibility for Denmark can be achieved very quickly.

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