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US: Positive press coverage of Tower of Invincibility for the nation's capital - Part I
by Global Good News Staff Writer

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14 October 2007

Jeffrey S. Abramson, who is leading the project to build a Tower of Invincibility in Washington DC, USA recently reported on the success of a press conference announcing the plan, held Friday 5 October at the Hay Adams Hotel in Lafayette Park, in front of the White House.

Mr Abramson is a partner with The Tower Companies, an award-winning, 60-year-old commercial development firm in Washington, DC.

Mr Abramson said that 'At the press conference we . . . announced that the site selection of the Tower of Invincibility in Washington will be decided upon by the citizens of our nation, as invincibility is the birthright of every citizen. We told the press that the Tower of Invincibility will be unlike other memorials and monuments in our nation's capital, as it will be an enduring symbol of the knowledge of Natural Law to prevent war. It will be a symbol not of past wars fought, but of future wars prevented.

We explained to the press that invincibility will be a reality when 'national consciousness is so unified, coherent, integrated, that it does not create enmity in the world, that is it does not create enemies,' said Mr Abramson, drawing on the knowledge presented by Dr John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, on the website

The event was well publicized, Mr Abramson reported. As a result of a press release sent out early in the week, two days before the press conference there had already been an announcement on television 'telling people of a monument . . . planned in Washington, and inviting people to our Website to vote on where it should be built. The day of the press conference, there were two very positive articles that appeared in the Washington Business Journal with a photo and in The Washington Examiner,' Mr Abramson said.

'At the press conference', continued Mr Abramson, 'were . . . reporters from the Washington Post, Bloomberg News, National Public Radio, local stations such as NBC News, and news services. The press conference was also broadcast live on the internet. So the press and public could view the press conference anywhere in the world.

'The next day very positive articles appeared in The Washington Post and The Washington Times, as well as reported on more local TV stations. In fact all the press [was] very positive and very thoughtful and . . . [the articles were] placed prominently in newspapers,' Mr Abramson said.

'The story has also gone out on UPI News Service as well. The Washington Post article was a very thoughtful piece and was prominently placed on the front page in the Metro section, with a large full colour rendering of the building. The article was titled: ''Developers Unveil a Plan for Downtown Monument.'' '

Mr Abramson went on to read some excerpts from the press articles. The continuation of his talk will be featured in Part II of this series.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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