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Maharishi speaks to the Global Financial Capital of New York on Guru Purnima, 29 July 2007
by Global Good News Staff Writer
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31 July 2007
Celebrating Guru Purnima around the world, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi spoke to the Global Financial Capital of New York expressing his great satisfaction that the country of science and technology, the United States, has risen to 'the science and technology of all good to everyone'—making use of the Constitution of the Universe for all peace, happiness, positivity, fullness, integration of life everywhere.
Maharishi: 'Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.
'Today on Guru Purnima day, we have had the outpourings of dedication of all the world for all good to all mankind, and it's such a joy towards the last hours of our offering to Guru Dev*, [to have] the return of the blessings of Guru Dev by the most creative country of the world [the United States].
'It has shown practically, now, in the present, on this Guru Purnima day, how this [offering] to Guru Dev is going to perpetuate for all the future Guru Purnimas in the world; and the beautiful vision of the future on a practical level laid out by a practical scientist of our generation.
'It's such a joy to see the last offerings to Guru Dev on this Guru Purnima [are] so full of practicality, full of theoretical values, calculated mathematically and experienced practically by the greatest scientist of our age.
'This offering to Guru Dev today, from the field of science and technology, is a great satisfaction; it is a great satisfaction to us all in the world today. We have been pouring our offerings of practicalities all day long and we have been floating in the waves of bliss, doing this offering of Guru Purnima.
'Now, towards the end of the day, when we are about to put the full stop to our offerings, the great exhortations and practicalities of all good to all mankind, up to the level of invincibility of every nation, are being shown to us clearly by the greatest scientist of the world making offerings to Guru Dev. The result of the offerings is being offered right from the beginning. What wonderful expressions of adorations to Guru Dev. This is the offering of Guru Purnima to the lotus feet of Guru Dev.
'It is such a great satisfaction that the country of science and technology has risen to the science and technology of all good to everyone—making use of the Constitution of the Universe, for all peace, happiness, positivity, fullness, integration of life everywhere, from now in future, on the basis of practical demonstration of this reality by America.
'And what has happened in the meantime? All this lively exhortations of humanity from the most creative country of the world, has also created a similar MUM in Europe. What we heard from Macedonia [is that] the European University of Coherence is rising on the land of Alexander. Alexander the Great had to disappear desiring the ownership of the world. But he had to appear in the name of Raam—we heard the name of the Mayor of Macedonia in terms of Raam.
'So Alexander the Great has to be born in terms of Raam in order to fulfil his aspirations to have the world under his wing. So with 2,500 Yogic Flyers in America supported by 2,500 European Yogic Flyers, it'll be very difficult for the rising sun of invincibility to ever have the time to set. [With] these offerings to Guru Dev, we have successfully celebrated Guru Purnima, and we are still continuing to celebrate.
'The Finance Minister [Dr Benjamin Feldman] of Maharaja Nader Raam has invited the Prime Minister [Dr Bevan Morris] and the Minister of Architecture [Dr Eike Hartmann**] to still express their values, but we are now on the level of fulfilment of the offerings we have offered today.
'We have heard from the greatest scientist of today that he has offered a permanent state of invincibility in the family of nations, on the basis of proven experiments—some smaller ones in the past, and the one-year-long experiment now, showing its blossoming in total fullness towards its celebration of the Guru Purnima day. Such a beautiful, fulfilling celebration, such fulfilling, universal celebration of Guru Purnima. We really feel our life has been worthwhile in the light of God.
'Expectations of the merciful God are now being fulfilled by man, who is created in the image of God. Great glory to Guru Dev. Today's offerings of Dr John Hagelin have been on the top of the world, and simultaneously, now European continental consciousness will be trying to cope with the fast pace of evolution, the fast pace of fulfilment of the aspiration of America; and America and Europe based on knowledge of India.
'We have heard that India has divided itself into all that will whisper science and technology of the Unified Field from the base of the twelve Jyotirlinga, the omnipresent silence of Shiva—a beautiful offering of Guru Purnima to the lotus feel of Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.
'Let's have more and more waves of fulfilment from America, which has already been heard to be full, and full, and more than full; and full, not only today full, but forever full. Let's have more waves of fullness from that land of science and technology. Let's hear from the Prime Minister of Government of Raja Raam, [Dr Bevan Morris].'
* Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, to whom Maharishi gives all credit for the total Vedic wisdom of Natural Law.
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.
Global Good News comment:
** For information on Vedic Architecture please visit Maharishi Sthapatya Veda
For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.
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