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Quality of life rising in New York, USA
by Global Good News staff writer
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6 June 2007
Raja John Konhaus, reporting from the Global Financial Capital of New York on the creation of an invincible America, spoke about a transformation that is taking place in New York city on the basis of the large group of Yogic Flyers in Iowa, USA participating in the Invincible America Assembly.
Raja Konhaus said, 'What I'd like to do today is to describe some of these transformations that are occurring in the US—some of this change in the quality of life ... coming about as the result of these transforming mechanics of the Unified Field of Natural Law coming from the consciousness of the pioneers of Invincible America.
'I want to present some of the results then briefly discuss some of the Vedic principles [which will be presented in a subsequent article] so we are very clear ... [about] what is happening. It seems like it is a kind of magic, but it is not a magic according to Vedic Science. It's a very precise understanding of how life can be transformed from the level of the Unified Field, the field of Total Natural Law. Maharishi established the Global Financial Capital over a year ago here in New York ... and here is what is happening in these last days here in New York:
'There are two prominent yardsticks that the community measures their success from: one is the stock market, the rate of the stock market; and other is the rate of unemployment. If there is a high unemployment it means the economy is not thriving.
'... We can see the quite dramatic rise of the stock market since the inception of the Invincible America course ... the market now has set all records, historic records, up into the 13,000's and still rising. ....
'Also the unemployment in New York has hit an historic low in the city. The March unemployment rate was the largest level ever since the recording began back in 1976. So the stock market is up and the unemployment is dramatically down.
Raja Konhaus added that in addition, 'The New York Mayor, has taken a very parental role, just the role that Maharishi likes to see a leader of government take. 'He asked all the citizens of his city to imagine what they would like their future to be like, and on that basis he formulated a document called 'Plan New York City'—and it is the most sweeping plan, ever, to revamp a city in the history of the US. His goal is to make New York the most ideal city in the nation.
'[The Mayor] focused on five key dimensions in creating this plan, they are the land, the air, the water, the energy, and the transportation. And, it is interesting, a lot of that is linked to the purity of the city. The purity of the air, the land, and the water. He wanted to make New York a model city for the 21st century. And the combined impact of the changes that he is planning will not only present a higher quality of life for all New Yorkers, but it is projected to reduce the effect of global warming from New York almost 30 per cent.
'The plan calls for a million new green sustainable homes made of all natural materials that are both affordable and non-toxic.
'The Mayor has [also] devoted more green space in all of the five city boroughs, planning enough new parks so every citizen in New York lives within a 10 minute walk of a nice city park. They plan to plant another 2,000 acres in greens and parks and plant a million trees in New York in the next few years.
'The plan is to clean up all contaminated lands and waterways around the city so that everyone can enjoy the surrounding waterways for recreation—and to work with all the factories to remove all the air pollution near the city.
'Since transportation is responsible for over 50 per cent of the local air pollution, the Mayor has mandated that all public buses, all 13,000 taxis, limousines, and school buses must now all be converted to hybrid electric vehicles, which will save more than twice the fuel and the energy.
'All trucks must be converted to non-polluting trucks, and the use of solar energy is being encouraged in New York by creative ... tax-breaks on financing. Even cars—if a private citizen buys an automobile they don't have to pay any taxes on that purchase if it's an energy efficient vehicle.
'An indication of the quality of social life in the city [is that] the murder rate is down 28 per cent and the crime is down in a double digit decline—making New York one of the safest cities in the US.... A sweeping plan to improve the quality of life in the city headed by the Mayor himself, the father of the city.'
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service
Global Good News comment:
For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.
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