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Good news report from Canada

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
18 February 2007

16 February was the 16th day of the eighth month of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

16 February 2007

The Toronto Star - TSX closes at new record for second day (15 February 2007) The Toronto stock market closed at another record high Thursday, rising 83.70 points to 13,288.16, beating the previous day's record of 13,204.46.

Reuters Canada - Broad-based rally powers Toronto stocks to record (15 February 2007) All of the TSX index's 10 main groups were higher. The benchmark index's continued strength reflects the general health of the market, said Ian Nakamoto, director of research at MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier.

'It's an unhealthy market when only one or two sectors pull the whole market up,' he said. 'This is quite the opposite. All sectors are doing well. Now, some are doing better than others, but no one is being left behind.'

CBC News - Real estate prices rise 11.2 per cent in year (15 February 2007) The average resale home in January cost 11.2 per cent more than it did a year earlier, new figures show. Prices rose to all time highs in Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Hamilton-Burlington, London, St Thomas and Quebec City.

Canadian Press - Ontario claims coal-fired emissions below 1990 levels (15 February 2007) Ontario's greenhouse gas emissions are below 1990 levels and almost a third lower since the government took office in 2003, Energy Minister Dwight Duncan said today. Duncan said the province has engineered a 32 per cent drop in power generation from coal-fired plants over the past three years and is the only North American jurisdiction committed to closing such plants.

'The coal numbers are going down, period, even though demand is going up,' Duncan said. 'Wind, biomass, solar—all of them are going up . . . because we're getting out of coal. When we came to office, coal accounted for 25 per cent of our energy mix. Today, it's 16 per cent. That's a reduction of a third, and we're going to keep going in that direction.'

The government says emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide last year were at their lowest levels since 1983, when Ontario began collecting data. Since 2003, the government says, carbon dioxide emissions are down 29 per cent, sulphur dioxide has been reduced 44 per cent, and nitrogen oxide emissions have declined 46 per cent. Duncan said he intends to cut back on the need for nuclear power and wants to harness more wind energy. 'We're going to maximize wind power, we're going to work with our communities, with First Nations, to ensure everybody shares in the benefit and everybody understands the benefits.'

From a Reuters Canada report on this: 'By replacing coal-fired generation with conservation and cleaner, greener power sources, our government is demonstrating its strong commitment to fighting climate change and protecting the air we all breathe,' Energy Minister Dwight Duncan said in a press statement. From 2003 to 2006, power generation from coal plants has fallen 32 per cent, cutting greenhouse gas emissions by the amount that would be produced by 2 million cars, the ministry said.

The Globe and Mail - Green agenda profitable, Premier declares (16 February 2007) Premier Gordon Campbell says his government's ambitious green agenda could actually be an economic booster as environmentally conscious people around the world learn they can offset the greenhouse gases they emit by paying for tree-planting in British Columbia.

'This can be a big economic engine for the province,' the Premier said. Environment Minister Barry Penner said BC already gets a significant benefit from its vast forests in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide the trees pull out of the atmosphere. Mr. Campbell acknowledged British Columbia will have to go further than simple reforestation, saying the most important part of reaching the emission-cut targets will be getting people and industry to reduce and conserve.

The Toronto Star - Ruling paves way for 'green' Seaton (16 February 2007) Canada's top court has cleared the way for the province to build Ontario's largest environmentally friendly community for 70,000 people in north Pickering - what environmentalists and government officials promise will be Canada's biggest, most complex and significant eco-friendly community, built on 55 per cent of a 6,000-hectare land parcel. It will be a one-of-a-kind community of 15 compact neighbourhoods bordering forests and streams. 'Seaton has the potential to be the most sustainable development in Canada,' Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan said.

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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