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Peace Government launches programme to make Ireland invincible
Global Country of World Peace Translate This Article
21 July 2006
Global Country of World Peace Press Release
Group of 600 Yogic flyers being mobilized to create coherent collective consciousness—the basis of an Invincible Ireland; Invincibility Schools to be established throughout the nation
New initiative based on dramatic success of 'Invincible Holland' programme
'A bright new destiny is dawning now for Ireland—and for the whole world'
Dr Joe Hayden, the President of the Peace Government of Ireland, announced today the launch of a historic new initiative to make Ireland invincible—and to promote a bright new destiny for the entire world.
To achieve this, Dr Hayden said that 'Invincibility Schools' throughout the country are now being established where groups of students will practice Yogic Flying together to create coherent collective consciousness—the basis of an invincible nation.
In addition, Dr Hayden said that 600 experts who have already been trained in Yogic Flying are now being mobilized from throughout the nation to practice Yogic Flying together in groups to create an immediate—and urgently needed—influence of coherence in the country.
'These Yogic Flyers will neutralize overnight the dangerous buildup of negativity in national consciousness and promote positivity and harmony in the country and throughout the world,' said Dr Hayden, who added that once the Invincibility Schools have been established, 'the influence of coherence and invincibility in the nation will be permanent.'
The Invincible Nation Programme now under way in Ireland and 30 other countries is the first phase of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's global peace programme to raise every nation to invincibility and create permanent world peace. The initiative follows the dramatic—and ongoing—success of the Invincible Nation Programme in Holland, where for more than three months a group of 400 Yogic Flyers has been creating coherent national consciousness.
According to Dutch press reports, ever since the group of Yogic Flyers was established at Maharishi European Research University in MERU on 12 April, the nation has enjoyed an unprecedented upsurge in positive trends, including a booming economy, markedly reduced governmental problems, rising respect and appreciation in the family of nations, and growing harmony among the citizens within the country. (See for a day-to-day progress report of the Invincibility Programme in Holland.)
John Hagelin, PhD, world-renowned quantum physicist and President of the US Peace Government, said that hundreds of published scientific studies have verified that just a small number of people in a country practising Yogic Flying together in a group (as few as the square root of one percent of the population) is sufficient to dramatically reduce negative trends, such as crime, violence, and conflict, and to promote positive social, economic, and political tendencies throughout the whole population.
As more nations rise to invincibility, the whole world will enjoy permanent peace
Dr Hagelin cited the principle of the Meissner Effect from quantum physics, which reveals that internal coherence and harmony in a system spontaneously repels disruptive influences. 'We now have a practical, proven formula for every country to create a coherent, invincible national consciousness—free from the threat of any attack from inside or outside the nation. And as more and more nations rise to invincibility, then the whole world family will enjoy permanent peace,' said Dr Hagelin, who also serves as Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace.
The government is governed by national consciousness
Dr Hayden explained that the Peace Government of Ireland is taking full responsibility to make the nation invincible because the existing government is incapable of raising the country above the reach of problems. 'The government can only do exactly what it has been doing, because it is governed by the collective consciousness of the nation. If the collective consciousness is incoherent, the government will be incoherent—and problem-ridden. If the collective consciousness is coherent, the government will be coherent—and problem-free,' Dr Hayden said.
The expertise of the Peace Government, Dr Hayden explained, is to create coherent national consciousness and thereby bring success to the existing government's efforts to improve the quality of life of the people. 'We fully support—and do not conflict with—the existing government,' he said.
Invincibility Schools are being designed according to Vedic architecture to maximize the coherence-creating influence of the Yogic Flyers
To ensure the success of the Invincible Ireland Programme, Dr Hayden said, the new Invincibility Schools and all other buildings that will serve as centers for the group of Yogic Flyers will be designed and constructed according to Vedic architecture in harmony with Natural Law. 'This complete science of architecture provides the knowledge of proper orientation, placement, and proportion to produce a 'fortune-creating' building—a building that will maximize the coherence-creating influence of the group of Yogic Flyers. These 'fortune-creating' buildings in every city ensure that the influence of invincibility in collective consciousness is powerful and permanent,' he said.
Problems will disappear just as darkness disappears with the onset of light
Dr Hayden emphasized that the positive influence of the Invincible Ireland Programme will be immediate—and will be evident to everyone through the increasingly positive reports in the national press. 'It will take just a short period of time to mobilize the Yogic Flyers into a powerful coherence-creating group—and then the influence will be immediate,' he said. 'Just as the darkness of the night disappears with the onset of the rising sun, so, too, problems and negativity in the country will disappear with the rise of coherence in the collective consciousness of the nation. A bright new destiny for Ireland and the world is dawning now.'
This press release, issued from Ireland, is also being issued to the world press today, 19 July 2006, from Peace Governments in over 30 countries, including Canada, the USA, and many other nations.
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