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Positive news continues on sixty-second day of 'Invincible Holland' course
by Paul Gelderloos, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Holland

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18 June 2006

Since the full moon in April, 400 Governors and Sidhas of the Global Country of World Peace have been assembled at the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. They have come from all over Europe and are being trained personally by Maharishi to make their own countries invincible upon their return home after the assembly. Many positive changes for Holland are taking place during the assembly.

At present, the assembly is creating invincibility for Holland, since 400 Yogic Flyers flying together in one place is the 'Super Radiance' number required for the 16 million citizens of Holland. (For more information about the 'Super Radiance' phenomenon, see Global Good News Comment below.)

This is the news from the 62nd day of the 'Invincible Holland' assembly:

- The Central Planning Bureau sees future structural growth as two per cent annually. The extra growth comes from an increase in productivity due to increased investments.

- The Minister of Finance, Mr Zalm, expressed that cash transfer fees to non-European Union countries are much too high. Families who send money to families abroad are especially affected by these high rates. These transfer fees by migrants have been calculated as twice as high as the total developmental aid, totalling about 200 billion Euros a year. The Finance Minister wants to eliminate the obstacles that hinder the eradication of poverty, the press reports.

- The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research chooses four winners for the Spinoza Prize. The Spinoza Prize comes with an award of 1.5 million Euros. Prize winners this year are: Professor Zaanen, for his work on super fluidity; Professor Benzing, a psychologist who developed an ingenious scheme to evaluate the medical doctor/patient relationship. She is one of the few women ever honoured with this award. Professor Figdor was awarded for his work on immunology therapy in cancer, and Professor Scheres, who proved from his studies of molecular genetics that the mechanics of plants and animals are similar, was also awarded the prize.

- Amsterdam now gives its policemen extra education on how to deal with the 'new' multicultural society, especially focusing on dealing with violence among youth. There are 150 different nationalities in Amsterdam, and 50 per cent of the population has an ethnic background. Along with a focus on understanding how other culture think, the Amsterdam police department is trying to recruit more ethnic agents.

Copyright © 2006 Global Country of World Peace

Extensive published scientific research has shown that just a small group of Yogic Flyers in a nation is sufficient to raise the collective consciousness of the whole country to a high level of coherence and integration, which is the basis for prevention-oriented, problem-free administration—and invincibility for the nation. The size of the group—from several hundred to several thousand experts—depends upon the population size of the nation. Research shows that 400 Yogic Flyers is the required number to influence the entire population of 16 million people of Holland.

— Global Country of World Peace Press Release

To read the press release in its entirety, visit

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