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Signs of rising coherence continue on fifty-first day of 'Invincible Holland' course
by Paul Gelderloos, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Holland

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
6 June 2006

Since the full moon in April, 400 Governors and Sidhas of the Global Country of World Peace have been assembled at the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. They have come from all over Europe and are being trained personally by Maharishi to make their own countries invincible upon their return home after the assembly. Many positive changes for Holland are taking place during the assembly.

At present, the assembly is creating invincibility for Holland, since 400 Yogic Flyers flying together in one place is the 'Super Radiance' number required for the 16 million citizens of Holland.

This is the news from the 51st day of the 'Invincible Holland' assembly:

- The Minister of Social Affairs, Mr de Geus, has started a campaign to emphasize the capability of partially handicapped workers. As part of the campaign, he instituted a new term 'partly abled' rather than 'partly disabled'. The goal of the campaign is to stimulate and motivate employers to hire partly abled workers. There is great optimism about this initiative, which is being funded by employers, employees, the government and various institutions. - The press reported that the number of long-term marriages, of 50 years or more, has risen significantly over time.

- For the third year in a row, the final philosophy exam for high school students has dealt with the concept of virtue. Virtues, according to the textbook by Paul van Tongeren, are associated with a successful and happy life—and living a successful and happy life is an art. Role models are the best way to learn—imitating them leads to good character. Central virtues include: moderation, courage, wisdom/sensibility, and justice.

- An animal rights organization has asked supermarkets to stop price wars. While price wars may be good for consumers, animals are the ones that suffer. As margins become too small, farmers try to save on everything. This includes keeping cows inside, which is more economical for milking. The slogan of the animal protection organization is: 'The cow is seeking a meadow.' The organization argues that letting the cows out is better for consumers also, because cows are happier and healthier when grazing outside and so produce much better milk.

- The press reported that the company Gastronics Netherlands has invented a new technology that mixes lpg gas and diesel, thus allowing trucks to run more economically. Unlike the use of diesel alone, almost all of the mixed fuel is burned. This technology eliminates polluting black diesel smoke, because almost no residue remains.

Copyright © 2006 Global Country of World Peace

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