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World Capital of Peace in the Brahmasthan of America will make the nation invincible
Global Country of World Peace Translate This Article
4 April 2006
Press Release: Global Country of World Peace
Maharishi's Declaration to the World Press
World Capital of Peace in the Brahmasthan of America Will Make the Nation Invincible
'Through the Leadership of Dr John Hagelin, the Presidentof the US Peace Government, America Will Become a Guiding Light of Peace and Invincibility for Every Nation'
The newly inaugurated World Capital of Peace in the geographical center—or Brahmasthan—of the United States, located in Washington Township, Smith County, Kansas, will become a lighthouse of coherence and harmony for the whole nation. And through the enlightened leadership of Dr John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and President of the US Peace Government, America will quickly rise to be a guiding light of invincibility and peace for every country in the world.
This was the grand declaration delivered to the world press by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi during his global news conference on 29 March, which was broadcast live via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. Maharishi will hold his next news conferences on 5 and 6 April.
On 28 March, Maharishi delivered the inaugural address for the establishment of the World Capital of Peace in Smith Center, which was broadcast live via satellite and Internet webcast on all continents. Global Ministers and Rajas of the US domains of the Global Country of World Peace also spoke during the four-hour global celebration, outlining the complete knowledge and programmes to be offered at the World Capital of Peace that will raise America to invincibility. The inauguration was attended by government and civic leaders, as well as members of the press. The 480-acre site in Smith Center is located approximately 90 miles south of Interstate 80 and 130 miles north of Interstate 70 near the junction of US Hwy 281 and US Hwy 36.
World Capital of Peace to also serve as the Capital of the US Peace Government
Maharishi said that the World Capital of Peace will also be the Capital of the US Peace Government. Maharishi praised Dr Hagelin, who also serves as Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, as the supreme scientist of the Unified Field—the Constitution of the Universe—which administers the universe with perfect order. Maharishi said that under Dr Hagelin's leadership, the World Capital of Peace will quietly transform the policies of the US government to become positive and life-supporting for every individual—and to promote the freedom and invincibility of every nation.
Three functions of the World Capital of Peace to make America invincible
Dr. Hagelin outlined the three functions of the Capital of World Peace, which will make the nation invincible. Dr Hagelin said the World Capital of Peace will serve as:
1. A coherence-creating center for a group of several hundred Yogic Flyers, who will enliven the Constitution of the Universe and promote integrated national consciousness—the basis of prevention-oriented, problem-free administration.
2. A teaching center to train a new generation of leaders in Maharishi's Supreme Political Science to prevent problems and promote life in harmony with Natural Law in all areas of society.
3. A broadcast center to radiate the world-transforming knowledge and programmes of the US Peace Government via satellite and Internet webcast to the whole population.
Construction on the World Capital of Peace is scheduled to begin soon.
The US Peace Government will support the existing government
Dr. Hagelin explained that the US Peace Government is a complementary government that supports—and does not conflict with—the existing government. 'Collective consciousness motivates the government,' Dr Hagelin said. 'In fact, the government follows the dictates of the collective consciousness of the people. By raising the collective consciousness of the country, the US Peace Government will raise the existing government to be on par with Nature's Government—the eternal laws of Nature that administer the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order. Then the people will spontaneously think and act in accord with Natural Law. Behavior will be life supporting and health promoting. There will no conflict, no war, and no terrorism in the nation or anywhere in the world. The people will be satisfied—and they will naturally support their government.'
The World Capital of Peace will produce a powerful influence of positivity from the Brahmasthan of the nation
Dr. Hagelin also explained the significance of establishing the World Capital of Peace in the Brahmasthan of the US. 'According to the ancient Vedic science of architecture in harmony with Natural Law, the center point of a building, a city, or an entire nation is a powerful, strategic point characterized by dynamic silence. The Capital of World Peace will take natural advantage of this strategic point to produce the maximum influence of peace and positivity, which will radiate out—like the rays of the sun—across the entire country,' Dr Hagelin said.
'In the reign of Dr John Hagelin, the problems of America will disappear, as darkness disappears with the onset of light'
Maharishi concluded by saying that after 50 years of talking about his global peace programme he is now focused on producing the effect. 'When you are lighting a lamp, it is not necessary to talk much about it—you simply light the lamp and the darkness disappears,' Maharishi said. 'In the same way, during the reign of Dr Hagelin, without talking much about peace, real peace will quietly emerge on all levels of national life. Problems will disappear, as darkness disappears with the onset of light—and the whole nation will rise to permanent peace and invincibility. America will become a guiding light for every nation to rise to invincibility and for the whole family of nations to enjoy lasting peace.'
Maharishi's Next Global News Conferences
As usual every week: WEDNESDAY April 5, 2006 • 11:30 PM (India Time) • 19.00 hours (CET) • 1:00 PM (USA ET)
As usual every week: THURSDAY April 6, 2006 • 4:00 PM (India Time) • 12.30 hours (CET) • 6:30 AM (USA ET)
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