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Bison return to Portugal
by Stuart Butler

Geographical    Translate This Article
6 June 2024

On 6 June 2024 Geographical reported: A herd of eight bison was last week transferred from Poland to the Greater Coa Valley in northern Portugal where, after a period of acclimatization, they will eventually be set free on the 7,600-hectare Termas de Monfortinho, and Herdade do Vale Feitoso estate. Once the bison are settled into their new home, people will be allowed to view them as part of a wildlife tourism initiative set up under the guidance of the Wild Coa Network, a network of more than 50 nature-based businesses in and around the Greater Coa Valley. Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising positivity in the field of science, documenting the growth of life-supporting, evolutionary trends.

...It's hoped that by roaming across the estate, the bison will promote biodiversity and help the landscape to lock up more atmospheric carbon. As large grazers, the animals will lower the risk of wildfire by reducing flammable vegetation, creating natural firebreaks, and opening up forested areas, which lets in more light and allows grass to grow instead of scrub.

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