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Vincent Bataoel's hacks for a fulfilling life    Translate This Article
7 March 2017

On 11 March 2017 reported: Vincent Bataoel (34) and his wife Nelina Loiselle have spent the last decade building Above Green, a successful consulting company, which helps clients such as Bank of America, San Francisco Airport, and the U.S. military get their buildings LEED Certified. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a highly regarded green building certification program used around the world.

As an unfulfilled student, Vincent's love of learning and keen interest in quantum physics, neuroscience, and human potential eventually led him to Maharishi University of Management. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of science and business.

The Above Green team visiting a construction site

Click here to read the full article online at that includes Vincent's five hacks for a fulfilling life.

Vincent says, ''Too often we get distracted by the little dramas or the things that we can't control, but what we have to realize is . . . to get what we want out of this life, then we have to focus on what we can impact, make a plan, and execute it. It's okay if you have to change your plan; the important thing is to make goals and keep it going.''

At MUM, all students learn Transcendental Meditation and practice it twice a day. Both Bataoel and his wife have kept practicing Transcendental Meditation—a well-proven tool for increasing one's resilience. ''We meditate every day,'' says Vincent. ''It's an important part of our personal lifestyle, but also our business lifestyle. We've tried to infuse the principles of being stress free and relaxed into our company.''

During his studies in Environmental Science at MUM, Bataoel decided to become an expert in LEED Certification. He completed the certification program and received the LEED Accredited Professional credential.

''I would never have imagined that I would go to MUM out of interest in these . . . subjects like the unified field and consciousness and wind up in the most practical and applied field possible,'' he says. Bataoel is grateful for how everything fell into place.

Copyright © 2017

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