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Building contemporary Vastu in Italia and Australia

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12 October 2015

Two Maharishi Vastu* homes completed recently are featured in the current newsletter of Maharishi Vastu Architecture.

Vastu architecture is the oldest and the most systematic of the world's architectural systems. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi revived and restored the complete knowledge of Vastu architecture so it could be applied for the health and well-being of people around the world.

Please click here for the Maharishi Vastu article about the Italian and Australian homes, with links to beautiful photos on Facebook®.

The home in Italy is situated in the district of Monteortone di Teolo, and the owners describe the process of obtaining permits: ''In each case we found the right people at the right time and place to help us fulfill the many bureaucratic steps. In Italy, this is nothing short of a miracle.''

Speaking of the profound, nourishing effect of living in the house, they said, ''We have been living in our Vastu house for more than a year now, although I would say it is the house, that, bit by bit, lives in us. It seems to have a life of its own and is so clearly connected to the whole of the universe. That calmness and clarity we perceived the first few weeks as we walked through the door each day, now seems only a background sense of coherence. The longer we live in the house, the order in our thoughts and harmony in our behavior just keeps increasing.''

The Australian Vastu is a highly modern four-story home by the sea in Perth, Western Australia. Nominated for an Australian Institute of Architects WA award, the house features airy spaces, dramatic overhead walks, retracting outdoor walls, a roof-top terrace, and treed courtyard.

The owners expressed their feelings about the house by saying, ''The house has a wonderful openness. You can look from the front lawn and see all the way through to the rear deck. The external blinds allow light control and access to beautiful views. This is our second Vastu home and we are certainly privileged to live in such a lovely environment.''

Source: At Home in Maharishi Vastu newsletter, October 2015.

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* Vastu refers to Vedic architecture—the complete knowledge of design and building in accord with natural law—brought to light from the Vedic literature by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and known as Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.

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