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Transcendence during meditation 'flows over into the rest of the day'
by Global Good News staff writer

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9 October 2012

In a webinar presented by Norman Rosenthal, MD, to an audience of medical professionals, he discussed the role of Transcendental Meditation in assisting people with anxiety and stress disorders.

Dr Rosenthal is a renowned expert in the field, having been the lead researcher on the team at the (US) National Institute of Mental Health that first identified Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and pioneered the use of light therapy to treat it. He has also received the prestigious Anna Monika Foundation Prize for his contribution to research in treating depression.

As a researcher and a scientist, it is important to Dr Rosenthal that any treatment he suggests be verifiable scientifically. This is one reason he is so impressed with Transcendental Meditation, he said. Not only do many of his psychiatric patients find success with the technique, but thus far over 600 scientific studies have been conducted on it, making it the most well-researched meditation technique around.

One thing he talked about in his webinar was what happens, measurably, in the brain during Transcendental Meditation. One interesting effect is increased alpha waves, associated with calmness and introspection.

'Increase in coherence in alpha and beta waves' is found when people practise Transcendental Meditation. 'When you continue to meditate more and more, people become less stressed and better able to make decisions.'

The good news, said Dr Rosenthal, is that this increase in coherence that is seen in brain waves during Transcendental Meditation carries over into the rest of the day.

'It infuses the rest of the day with a kind of calm, pleasant frame of mind.'

Dr Rosenthal mentioned that, to some people, the idea of being calm and pleasant sounds boring. They want to have energy and creativity.

The good news is that transcendence actually increases energy and creativity.

What happens when people begin to practise Transcendental Meditation is that 'they are less reactive to unnecessary stresses, but at the same time, they are often more creative,' Dr Rosenthal explained. 'Somehow their creative centres, including the prefrontal cortex, are freed up. No longer are they tied down by the everyday hassles that can overwhelm us; they are left free to think, to create.'

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