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Katy Perry, Bob Roth address international Vatican conference - ''Unite to Cure: A Global Health Care Initiative'' - on Transcendental Meditation

The Cura Foundation, David Lynch Foundation    Translate This Article
4 May 2018

On Saturday, April 28, Bob Roth, CEO of the David Lynch Foundation (DLF), and world-renowned pop music star Katy Perry addressed the world's leading scientists and physicians, patients, ethicists and leaders of faith, government officials and philanthropists on the subject of Transcendental Meditation—at the international ''Unite To Cure: A Global Health Care Initiative'' conference at the Vatican.

The Cura Foundation's Fourth International Vatican Conference was designed to ''create an open discussion and help speed cures for patients all over the world.''

During their panel discussion, Roth*, an expert on Transcendental Meditation, spoke about DLF's work bringing TM to at-risk youth and other groups worldwide.

Katy Perry described the beneficial effects she has found in her life from practicing Transcendental Meditation for the past eight years.

Click here to watch the video of Bob Roth and Katy Perry discussing Transcendental Meditation at the Cura Foundation's Fourth Annual ''Unite To Cure'' Conference at the Vatican.

Roth described the deep state of ''restful alertness'' experienced in mind and body during Transcendental Meditation. ''Deep within every human being is a level of the mind that is already calm, settled, peaceful, and wide awake,'' he said. When the mind settles down and ''we have the experience of that calm during Transcendental Meditation, it creates alpha-1 brain waves, and coherence spreads across the whole brain''—as well as many other physiological changes indicating deep relaxation and reduced stress. With regular TM practice, ''the benefits to daily life are huge—particularly the reduction in high blood pressure, risk of stroke, heart disease.

''Now what are we doing with that—to address the very serious issues of physical health, mental health, and behavioral health that afflict our world—in particular children, who are being consumed by stress?'' Roth went on to describe the David Lynch Foundation's work bringing TM to 600,000 inner city school children in 35 countries, veterans suffering from PTSD, women and children victims of violence—and ''a big focus of ours now, opioid addiction.''

Roth introduced Katy Perry as ''an active advocate of so many philanthropic causes. In 2013, she was appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, as a result of her commitment to improving the lives of children worldwide, and further honored with the Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award in 2016.''

Noting that Katy Perry learned the Transcendental Meditation technique in 2010, Roth asked her, ''Why it would be that someone who is so dynamic, and has so many pressures in her life, demands on her life, and desires in her life, would take time out for 20 minutes to meditate—Why do you meditate?''

Describing herself as an ''executive multitasker'', Ms. Perry said, ''I've always had a lot on my plate, and I noticed before I was meditating, I started to short circuit a little bit. . . . I knew that I had to take care of my mental health, and my mind, which is the greatest asset in my body, besides my heart. And I knew I had to protect it.''

She went on to say that, on learning Transcendental Meditation, ''The stillness that I found is beyond anything I've ever experienced. It's way different than napping. . . .

''I notice that when I meditate, my whole brain opens up . . . . it's like I'm clearing out the cobwebs of my neural pathways, and finding new neural pathways to ignite. And it's some of the most incredible stillness. Also, I would say it brings some of the best, most creative ideas to the surface for me,'' she said.

Speaking of how it can be stressful trying to keep up with social media (on which her followers number in the millions), Ms. Perry commented: ''I know that meditation has been such an incredible tool . . . I want to disconnect [from social media] to connect back with myself.

''And I find personally with my experience, meditation is the key to really finding your true authentic self, finding that stillness, recharging, having the strength, the mental strength, the physical strength, the immune strength, to be able to take on this big technological world. . . .

''And on a very modern science level for me, it's helped a lot with my anxiety, instead of having to turn to prescription[s], I've been able to turn to this.''

At the end of their discussion, Roth praised Katy Perry's help in promoting widely the David Lynch Foundation's programs, and for ''inspiring thousands of people to meditate and helping to change the world.''

For more information:
Unite to Cure: How Science, Technology, and 21st Century Medicine Will Impact Culture and Society
The Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture and The Cura Foundation Announce 'Unite To Cure', the Fourth International Conference to be Held at The Vatican April 26-28th, 2018

* Over the past forty-five years, Bob Roth has taught Transcendental Meditation to many thousands of people, including billionaire CEOs, Hollywood celebrities, combat-scarred veterans, and inner-city youth. He is author of the New York Times bestseller Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation.

Copyright © 2018 David Lynch Foundation, The Cura Foundation

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