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Overcoming the Stress of ADHD, Dyslexia and Other Learning Challenges
by Linda Egenes

Transcendental Meditation for Women Blog    Translate This Article
5 March 2015

The Excellence In Action page of Global Good News is featuring an article by health writer Linda Egenes on how the Transcendental Meditation technique—which has been shown in dozens of peer-reviewed studies to reduce stress, depression and anxiety—is helping students overcome ADHD and other learning challenges. Ms Egenes's blog post appears on the website Transcendental Meditation for Women.

Please click here to read the whole article.

The article features research on this topic, including a study by Dr Fred Travis, Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition at Maharishi University of Management, and colleagues. Dr Travis explains that the TM technique helps students with ADHD by improving brain functioning. 'From the baseline to six-month posttest, we saw significant increases in coherence in all parts of the brain in four frequency bands: theta (focused inner attention), alpha (sense of self), beta (processing), and gamma (focused outer attention). This shows that the brain is ceasing to function as isolated modules and is beginning to function more as a whole,' Dr Travis said.

Watch video on EEG (electroencephalographic) studies of brain activity during Transcendental Meditation.

See related articles:
Restoring inner peace
Students with ADHD improved brain functioning through Transcendental Meditation: Brain expert's interview

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