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Maharishi Ayur-Veda: Understanding the central role of digestion and metabolism in creating and maintaining good health
by Global Good News staff writer
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7 March 2014
We know from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Vedic Approach to Health that with the help of the 'digestive fire', the elements we ingest (fire, water, earth, air, space) in the form of food or experiences, are transformed into bodily tissues. If the fire of digestion (known as agni in Ayurveda) is not properly 'cooking' or metabolizing what the body takes in then impurities (ama), are created, leading to physiological imbalances and eventually disease.
Ayurveda* tells us that as a disease develops through six stages, ama moves from superficial tissues into deeper ones, explained Dr. med. Walter Mölk during a recent lecture in Holland. The process starts in the liquid part of the blood and progresses through various bodily systems until finally the ama has permeated the finest physical substance, called ojas in Ayurveda.
Maharishi, in restoring the complete knowledge of Ayurveda, emphasized the important role ojas plays in the physiology, pointing out that it is the basis of transformations in and between every tissue, and it maintains physiological balance, Dr Mölk said. Only when the digestive fire is strong and steady can everything be properly metabolized into ojas, the most refined product of digestion. Ojas is also the substance that connects the physiology and consciousness, having its seat at the junction point where consciousness becomes matter. With its connecting and nourishing value it holds everything together in a state of balance.
The goal of Panchakarma (purification and rejuvenation therapy) is to pull ama back into the digestive system in preparation for moving it out of the body. Oleation plays an important role in this process. Potential indicators of ama in the physiology may include morning grogginess, muscle weakness, head or sinus congestion, 'brain fog', laziness, etc.
In the pre-treatment phase of Panchakarma herbal preparations stimulate the digestive fire (agni) in order to dissolve impurities that are lodged in the tissues. Clarified butter (ghee) dissolves the ama that has been 'cooked' by the digestive preparations and starts to move it back into the digestive system.
During the main treatments, with digestion slowed, heat (swedana) and other treatments are used to open the body's channels to facilitate ama moving out of the system.
Post-treatments rekindle the digestive fire gradually and sequentially, including recommendations for daily routine, eating certain foods, etc. After Panchakarma gradually the digestive fire gets strong again. Herbal preparations (Rasayana) taken at this time help to bring the body into a state of balance.
This analysis shows the critical importance of balance in the digestive fire in creating good health, Dr Mölk said.
See related articles: ∙ Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health: Applying the timeless knowledge of health to all levels of life ∙ Health professionals trained in Maharishi Ayur-Veda, international foundation established ∙ Maharishi Ayur-Veda: The disease process can be reversed at any stage of development ∙ Understanding Panchakarma: Maharishi Ayur-Veda expert Dr Walter Mölk
* Ayurveda is the world's oldest, most comprehensive system of natural medicine, which originated in the Vedic civilization of ancient India and is now officially recognized by the World Health Organization. Maharishi Ayur-Veda and Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health represent the modern restoration by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of the complete and authentic practice of Ayurveda as recorded in the Vedic texts.
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