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'TM can slow aging effect': Air Force Times publishes Transcendental Meditation experts' response
by Robert H Schneider, MD, FACC, and David Leffler, PhD

Air Force Times    Translate This Article
15 October 2012

The 15 October issue of Air Force Times published a letter—''TM Can Slow Aging Effect''—from two experts in the application of Transcendental Meditation in health care and the military, resepectively:
∙ Robert H. Schneider, M.D., F.A.C.C., Director of the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention
∙ David Leffler, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science.

The letter was prompted by a recent Air Force Times article: ''War might be making young bodies old: Veterans in their 20s and 30s show signs of premature aging, study shows.''

Dr. Schneider and Dr. Leffler described research findings in older practitioners of Transcendental Meditation, including younger biological age and significantly longer life compared to controls—signifying that the practice ''profoundly affects the neurophysiological and physiological basis of the aging process, resulting in a slowing and even reversal of the aging process, as well as enhanced longevity.''

Also included in their brief overview were results of many studies conducted by Dr Schneider and colleagues over the past 20 years, supported by more than $24 million from the (US) National Institutes of Health—which found that ''regular TM practice decreases most of the major risk factors for heart disease and stroke, including hypertension, anxiety and depression,'' they reported.

The two experts also cited ''a study published in Military Medicine [showing] that Iraq and Afghanistan veterans experienced a 50 percent drop in PTSD symptoms in just four weeks.''

The letter concluded with a striking current example of the use of Transcendental Meditation in military training in the USA:

''Retired Rear Adm. Richard W. Schneider, president of Norwich University, the nation's oldest private military college, implemented the TM technique at Norwich as a preventive measure and to increase the performance of his cadets. He concludes that 'we owe it to them to give them the very best tools to win, and I think this is one of those tools.' ''

© Copyright 2012 Army Times Publishing Company

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