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How is Maharishi Ayurveda different from Ayurveda?
by Global Good News staff writer

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29 November 2011

In a recent overview of the growing success of Maharishi Ayur-Veda natural healthcare, Dr Stuart Rothenberg explained why the term Maharishi Ayur-Veda was coined, instead of following the traditional and ancient name Ayurveda.

Dr Rothenberg has been affiliated with Maharishi Ayur-Veda from its beginnings, when Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought the knowledge of this ancient holistic approach to medicine to the Western world.

Maharishi inaugurated it as Maharishi Ayur-Veda to distinguish it from the way that Ayurveda was being practised up to that point, Dr Rothenberg explained.

'Ayurveda had declined; it had deteriorated in the centuries before,' Dr Rothenberg said. 'It was, in the ancient classical Vedic times, the supreme system of health and natural medicine. But over the centuries, especially the periods of foreign rule in India, it declined.'

All was not lost though. Dr Rothenberg continued, 'Fortunately, aspects of the knowledge were retained among Vedic families, the lineages of Vaidyas (expert Ayurvedic physicians) and Ayurvedic families.

'It was Maharishi's great brilliance and his reputation as the reviver of Vedic knowledge in India that attracted these individuals to come out, some of them from very remote parts of India . . . and share their knowledge which they had been keeping in private lines. They collaborated with Maharishi over many years to reestablish Ayurveda in its completeness, the way it was practised in classical times and described in the ancient texts.

'This we call Maharishi Ayur-Veda to distinguish it from the more fragmented version of Ayurveda which had been practised previously.'

In addition to a more holistic and complete version of Ayurveda, Dr Rothenberg remarked on one other big difference between Ayurveda and Maharishi Ayur-Veda.

'The central theme that really was the lynchpin of the whole revival was the element of consciousness and the fact that consciousness creates and maintains the physical body in a state of balance. Maharishi's technologies of consciousness really are the key elements in creating perfect health through Ayurveda.'

Related article:
Maharishi Ayur-Veda at the forefront of a paradigm shift in modern healthcare

Global Good News will continue to feature Dr Rothenberg's report on Maharishi Ayur-Veda.

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