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Transcendental Meditation as treatment for PTSD

Treatment Centers    Translate This Article
28 November 2011

On 28 November 2011 Treatment Centers reported: For soldiers who have lived through the intense and emotionally charged experiences of combat, re-adjusting to family life and the work world can be a monumental struggle. The Defense Department has invested in numerous strategies in its ongoing effort to find the most effective treatments. One researcher, Dr Norman Rosenthal, believes that he has found an answer, and has published his research in Military Medicine. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of health.

The article in Treatment Centers describes research conducted by Dr Rosenthal—a pilot study with combat veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. The veterans learned Transcendental Meditation and practised it for eight weeks. 'At the end of that time,' the article reports, 'the practice had reduced depression and stress levels in the men by as great as 50 percent. The group was small, but the results were huge.' The participants said their relationships and quality of life also improved.

The article also explains, 'This rather small study has impact because it replicates results in prior studies conducted with Vietnam veterans conducted years ago,' referencing a three-month study on veterans practising Transcendental Meditation, published in the Journal of Counseling and Development in 1985,* that also found significant reductions in PTSD symptoms. 'Most of the veterans who practiced TM did not require any additional treatment.'

The article attributes the effectiveness of the simple technique of Transcendental Meditation to its physiological effects including calming the nervous system and lowering blood pressure.

'Discovering a simple, low cost and highly effective treatment for PTSD is of critical importance to the Defense Department, the families of returning soldiers and society as a whole,' the article concludes. 'Since the evidence points to TM as effective in reducing PTSD symptoms, let's hope more trials on a larger scale are on the way.'

Click here to read the complete article on

* Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985

© Copyright 2011 Treatment Centers

Global Good News comment:

For more information on Transcendental Meditation and veterans with PTSD, visit: Operation Warrior Wellness and David Lynch Foundation.

For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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