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Helping veterans and their families overcome post-traumatic stress
by Mario Orsatti    Translate This Article
11 November 2011

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have a crushing impact on the lives of veterans. But worse, it is often contagious. The negative psychological and emotional traumas of a vet's past can spread to his or her family members and other caregivers-with nightmarish consequences. Research shows that parents, spouses and children of returning soldiers with combat PTSD are particularly vulnerable to the stress that inevitably comes from living with a loved one suffering from the aftermath of war.

A video of Julia George and her son, David, a veteran of the war in Iraq, reveals the deep stresses that are all-too-often experienced by veterans and their family members. It also shows how the practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique not only helps veterans, but also relieves the intense stress experienced by their loved ones.

Julia George:

''When David came back he was out of his mind for the effects of the war. He was disrespectful, he was cursing me, and not obeying the law—not obeying nothing.

''He had many car accidents because he was drinking. He said, 'I don't care Mom, I don't care if I crash a car and die tomorrow.'

''I was afraid many times he would kill himself—many, many times . . . . I lived like that for so many years.

''When he found TM he changed his way of thinking. He started appreciating his life. He's another person. He's normal. He's thinking about the future. He's thinking more than anything about respecting himself—loving himself. He said, 'Every day, every time that I meditate it's better and I feel better and better and better.'

''Thanks to the TM meditation he is not drinking. It's beautiful—it's incredible.''

David George:

''The first time I meditated I experienced this relief from this constant anxiety attack my life had become. I didn't really realize I was that stressed out, but after my first 20 minutes I came out of it and realized that it was a break (from that). Now being someone who has meditated for a year and two months, I'm so happy.

''I'll never stop. It has this compounding effect of just getting better and better, and this great feeling lasts longer and longer.''

Julia George:

''That is the boy that I raised. TM saved his life.''

In the video below renowned psychiatrist Dr Norman Rosenthal addresses a news conference in New York City as part of the launch of the David Lynch Foundation's initiative, Operation Warrior Wellness. Dr. Rosenthal explains how the TM technique helps those experiencing PTSD.


For more information about how TM is helping veterans and their families, go to:

Related posts:

1. DLF receives $500K matching grant to help veterans with post-traumatic stress learn TM
2. Clint Eastwood: TM is a great tool to overcome stress
3. Legendary directors mobilize to bring Transcendental Meditation to veterans - Wall St. Journal
4. Meditating veterans experience reduced PTSD symptoms
5. Launching 'Operation Warrior Wellness' - VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Bringing TM to Veterans suffering from PTSD

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