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Senior mental health researcher and pioneer visits UK, presents research on meditation
by Global Good News staff writer

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18 July 2011

Several months ago Dr Norman Rosenthal, a leading psychiatrist who is based in the United States, visited the UK. Dr Rosenthal is author of the recently published bestselling book, Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation, and for many years was a senior researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health in the US, who pioneered in describing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and in prescribing light therapy to treat it.


While in London, Dr Rosenthal gave a what attendees described as 'a fascinating talk' to health care professionals.

Norman Rosenthal seminar

Dr Rosenthal spoke on the extensive body of scientific research documenting beneficial effects of Transcendental Meditation on mental and physical health and well-being, including reduced stress and cardiovascular risk factors, and increased integration of brain functioning.

The following morning, Dr Rosenthal was the subject of a press conference in central London.

Norman Rosenthal speaks in London

Following the press conference, a comprehensive and thoughtful article on Transcendental Meditation and Dr Rosenthal's work was published in The Independent, a large newspaper in the UK. The article concludes: 'If the impact of Transcendental Meditation on public health is as great as Dr Rosenthal believes, one could argue [the TM organization] has a moral responsibility to spread its message'.

Click here to read more about the article in The Independent, Dr Rosenthal's press conference in the UK, and research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme.

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