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India: A 'modern Charak' in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

Maharishi Ayurveda India - News    Translate This Article
22 July 2011

A senior retired army officer in India is voluntarily providing health services to propagate the knowledge and time-tested approaches of Ayurveda,* by organizing a 'movable camp' in different localities of Ghaziabad city in Uttar Pradesh. In this endeavour he is said to be emulating Maharishi Charak, the foremost exponent of the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda health care.

Vaidya Kaviraj's Jagveer Singh Bedharak is so impressed with the efficacy, curative and preventive qualities of Maharishi Ayurveda* that he mainly prescribes its medicines to patients.

He is also of the view that Maharishi Ayurveda medicines are capable of curing chronic diseases.

The Maharishi Ayurveda organization in India has expressed its appreciation for the efforts of Vaidya Kaviraj to achieve the goal of the company—''creating a disease-free society''.

Click here for more about Maharishi Ayurveda* and its programmes, services, and venues in India.

* Ayurveda is the world's oldest and most comprehensive system of natural medicine. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi restored the ancient Vedic system of health care, which offers a science and technology for unfolding perfection in life, using methods that are completely free from harmful side effects, with the goal of creating a disease-free, healthy, enlightened society in every country.

© Copyright 2011 Maharishi Ayurveda India

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