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Practical programmes for women to reduce stress and anxiety, improve relationships    Translate This Article
14 May 2011

A new online resource for professional women——offers deep insights and practical programs to help women reduce stress and anxiety while developing the foundation for better relationships.

The website describes the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for women. It explains that more than six million people worldwide have taken the Transcendental Meditation course, which involves no religion, philosophy or change in lifestyle; the technique is so effortless that ten-year-old children do it. During TM practice, the body gains deep rest while the mind enjoys a state of restful alertness. The result: a host of practical benefits that have been verified by over 600 studies conducted at 250 universities and research institutions in 30 countries.

One page on the website discusses how the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation promotes fulfilling personal relationships:

''The basis for ideal relationships is the capacity to give. We can only give from what we have. By dissolving stress and broadening our awareness, the Transcendental Meditation technique provides the foundation for more nourishing relationships, allowing us to give more appreciation and love to family and friends.

''In the book Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation program, writes,

'' 'Really good social behavior between people will only be possible when their awareness is broadened, when they are able to see the whole situation, to understand each other more thoroughly, to be aware of each other's need and attempt to fulfill that need. This naturally necessitates a fully developed consciousness, a right sense of judgment, and all the qualities that only a strong and clear mind possesses.'

''During TM practice, a decrease in stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol leads to reduced fatigue and stress in life. Scientific research verifies that people who practice the Transcendental Meditation technique experience less anger, less anxiety, and less depression. They naturally express greater tolerance and patience, harmony, and happiness.

''After a long day of work, women find that twenty minutes of this meditation revitalizes their inner lives. Spontaneously they create more harmonious relationships and enjoy life in increasing waves of fulfillment.''

Click here to learn more about the Transcendental Meditation program for women, including scientific research.

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