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Native Americans respond warmly to health and educational benefits of Maharishi's Vedic knowledge
by Global Good News staff writer
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1 September 2008
Recently returned from a visit to a Native American tribe in Nebraska, United States, Dr Robert Roth, National Director of Expansion for the Global Country of World Peace in the US, reported on the 26 August Maharishi Global Family Chat about their warm response to Maharishi's Vedic knowledge.
Dr Roth reported that he visited a school where the 250 students practise the Transcendental Meditation Programme, 'and the reports from the school and the teachers are wonderful,' he said.
One teacher had suffered from high blood pressure and diabetes—many from her tribe, as well as Native Americans all over the country, suffer from diabetes—and at her doctor's recommendation, she had been able to come off her medications.
The school superintendent and school principal are very supportive of the programme. Dr Roth and two faculty members from Maharishi University of Management—Dr Ken Walton and Dr Carolyn King—had meetings with representatives from the Indian health services, and from the tribal health services, about a proposed study on the effects of Transcendental Meditation on diabetes.
Funding is being finalized and the study will be done in collaboration with the Indian health services and Maharishi University of Management. 'Following the research already conducted on Transcendental Meditation and heart disease and diabetes, this study will have a powerful effect for the entire Indian nation,' Dr Roth said.
Dr Roth said that the Native American wisdom of life has many close parallels to Vedic knowledge—for example, meditation, Yogic Flying, and using specific recitations to help plants grow [as in Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture]. The leaders of this tribe feel a great affinity between themselves and Maharishi's Vedic knowledge of total Natural Law.
One of the members from the lineage of the Chief of the tribe read a prophecy to Dr Roth, which states that North Native Americans represented by the Eagle, and South Native Americans, represented by the Condor, will come together to unite as their ancestors once did, without borders.
The Eagle is said to have vision and the Condor is said to have spirit, Dr Roth explained. Together they become one stronger being. The Native American had said that borders that divided the United States, Canada, and Latin America, also divide their lands and peoples. 'These borders create false illusion and impose . . . identities on all peoples of the Western hemisphere', and he said that this Vedic knowledge 'could raise his and all tribes in North and South America into the great, one, strong, peaceful being.'
Dr Roth said he felt that 'when doing these outreaches through the David Lynch Foundation-funded schools all over America, we are purifying and transforming collective consciousness until people awaken to that real vision—that this is the knowledge to 'Know thy Self'.
Dr also Roth said that 'the natives tribes in Canada, and North and South America already live so close to the transcendent; the principles that they live their lives by today, the channels are there, it's just a matter of turning on the light. The native peoples of America are a shortcut to an Invincible America.'
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