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Maharishi Invincibility Laboratories - Part II - Four tier programme
by Global Good News Staff Writer

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14 October 2007

Dr John Fagan, Raja (Administrator) of Texas for the Global Country of World Peace—with special global responsibility for food purity and safety—recently discussed the four tier laboratory programme of Maharishi Invincibility Laboratories, which are being established to provide a sound scientific basis for assuring food purity.

As reported in Part I of this article, Dr Fagan said that Maharishi Invincibility Laboratories are based on the principle that 'pure food is essential for that quality of brain functioning required for higher states of consciousness.'

'The Tier 1 Labs, 'Maharishi calls ''one person, one test'', Dr Fagan said. 'This is a simple test that anyone can do. [It] detects the two most common classes of pesticides . . . used in the world today. Since these are among the most toxic of the pesticides it's a very important test to use. At the end of his presentation, Dr Fagan demonstrated this test, and showed how easy it is—'something that can be done by anyone virtually anywhere, in their own kitchen', he said.

Tier 2 Laboratories, are 'one person, one laboratory,' Dr Fagan said. 'It's a compact lab operated by one person. The methods are easy—a turn-key operation—and they will be designed to test for a range of the most dangerous pesticides and environmental toxins.' This lab will provide services to the immediate surrounding area. They will be set up in Maharishi's hospitals, Peace Palaces, and educational institutions all around the world.

'The third kind of lab is the Tier 3 Laboratory, and these are specialized labs,' Dr Fagan explained. 'Many of Maharishi's agricultural and health projects require specialized, dedicated testing services, and the Tier 3 Labs will address this need.'

The Tier 4 Laboratory 'is a central reference lab,' Dr Fagan said. It will be technically more advanced and will 'provide expert guidance and practical testing methods to the Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Labs.' Dr Fagan explained that this lab will have experts who can provide the most scientifically 'advanced methods for testing food purity, safety, and nutrition—and these labs will develop new testing methods for use by the Tier 1, 2, and 3 Labs. They'll also validate these methods against the most popular methods in the world today, and they'll provide training and technical support in quality control to the Tier 1, 2, and 3 Labs. In addition to this, they will carry out advanced research into food purity, food safety, [and] food nutrition. . . .'

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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