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Mozambique: 20th year since peace accord features visit from Maharishi University of Management president
by Global Good News staff writer

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7 October 2012

On 4 October, Mozambique celebrated the 20th anniversary of the General Peace Agreement that ended its long civil war following independence. Earlier this year, during a 14-country tour of Africa, Dr Bevan Morris, president of Maharishi University of Management, visited former Mozambique president Dr Joaquim Chissano. Dr Morris is an international authority in the application of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes and technologies of consciousness, including Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness-Based Education.

As the country's second president, President Chissano's governance and leadership have been given great credit for the rebuilding of its economy, infrastructure, and institutions following the peace accord. President Chissano and his family learned Transcendental Meditation in 1992 and he introduced it to his government leaders and to thousands among the military and the general public. 'The result has been political peace and balance in nature in my country,' he said in 2001.

Since leaving office in 2005 President Chissano has been regarded as a highly respected elder statesman of Africa.

Describing his visit to Mozambique last spring, which began with a short journey from South Africa, Dr Morris first commented that no visa is required to travel between the two countries. He found this to be very striking, as during the civil war (1975-1991) there had been a high level of animosity between them.

Now there is total openness. South Africans have built beautiful resorts along the Mozambique coastline and thousands are said to regularly make the short drive for the weekend. The influx of business has elevated Mozambique's economic standing among African nations.

In Mozambique Dr Morris first met with Dr Leonardo Simao, head of the Joaquim Chissano Foundation (Fundacao Joaquim Chissano). Dr Simao, a bush doctor during the civil war, saw the tragedies of war first hand. After the war, in President Chisssano's administration he became Minister of Health, and then Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Dr Morris and Dr Simao also met with Celio Mondlane at the Foundation. Mr Mondlane, an MBA graduate of Maharishi University of Management, will be working with organizations teaching Transcendental Meditation to help make the scientifically validated benefits of Maharishi's programmes, including those in health care, business, agriculture, rehabilitation, and education, widely available in Mozambique.

Global Good News will continue featuring Dr Bevan Morris's visit to Mozambique this year, including meeting with President Chissano and a visit to the former president's 600-hectare organic farm near Maputo, the capital.

See related articles:
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'You will be contributing to build a new world' - President Chissano of Mozambique
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For more information about Transcendental Meditation and related programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Africa, please contact:, or visit:

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