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Dr John Hagelin introduces the Global Press Conference on Unified Field-Based Architecture - Part IV
by Global Good News staff writer

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4 June 2007

On 17 May, 2007, Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, introduced the Global Press Conference on Unified Field-Based Architecture, one of a series of conferences presented by the Global Financial Capital of New York on the knowledge and application of the Unified Field to different areas of life. Dr Hagelin introduced the concept of 'the blueprint of creation.'

In Part III of this talk Dr Hagelin spoke about the Constitution of the Universe, the self-interacting dynamics of Unity at the basis of all diversity, and the fountainhead of all the laws of nature governing the universe.

Dr Hagelin explained that the laws of nature and the particles and forces that they govern are all united in this one indivisible wholeness of self-interacting Unity. This 'Constitution of the Universe' is the source of all the order displayed throughout the universe. The entire structure of the universe, the structure of the galaxies, the structure of a solar system with its elliptical orbits on a common plane, the structure of the elementary particles, the whole geometry of the universe unfolds from that unified level.

'So the Constitution of the Universe, the foundational level of natural law, is also the blueprint of the universe, the blueprint of creation,' Dr. Hagelin said. 'Even the physical structure of the particles and forces, the structure of the planets and stars, all that geometry and cosmic architecture emerges from there.

So the Constitution of the Universe has a structure of self-interacting dynamics of Unity. From this fundamental structure of Unity all other structures derive; even the macroscopic structure of the planets and stars and the universe as a whole emerge as the inevitable consequence of the structure of this blueprint of the universe.

'Exploring that blueprint will reveal to us the basic geometry of the universe, upon which the whole universe and everything in it is based.'

Dr Hagelin said that the emergence from this self-interacting dynamics of Unity of the laws of nature that govern the universe, happens through an 'apparent breaking of symmetry through which the fundamental wholeness of Natural Law, which is Unity, one without second,...interacting with itself, brings out its diversified components into the myriad structures of the universe.'

Dr Hagelin said that the laws of nature sequentially unfold from the Constitution of the Universe in a rigorous, mathematically precise way, so that the whole universe reflects the fundamental structure, the fundamental architecture of the Unified Field. 'By understanding the symmetry, the structure of Unity, we will understand the symmetry and structure of diversity.'

Please see also Part I, Part II of this talk and

Global Good News will present Part V of this talk tomorrow 5 June.

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