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Maharishi pledges to create 'Raam Raj'
by Peace Government Media Team
Global Country Press Release Translate This Article
4 November 2004
To a world gripped by problems and suffering, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi pledged this week to create 'Raam Raj'—the most ideal system of administration—in every nation so that no individual and no government ever again has to face fear, conflict, or negativity. And Maharishi pledged to create this ideal administration without depending on the support of any government.
'Listen carefully—each word is meaningful,' Maharishi said. 'We have the knowledge to create a royal, divine administration. We have the knowledge to raise the administration of every nation to be on a par with the Constitution of the Universe—the light of God—which administers the universe with perfect order. And we are now using this knowledge to create Raam Raj—to create ideal, prevention-oriented administration and eliminate all problems and suffering in the world, just as the rising sun eliminates the darkness of the night.'
Maharishi's declaration came during his October 27 global news conference, which was broadcast live on all continents via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland; the National Offices of the US Peace Government in Washington, D.C.; and the Capital of Vedic America in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa.
Maharishi denounced today's governments as insufficient to give safety and security to their people. The solution, Maharishi said, is for every nation to rise to invincibility through alliance with the Constitution of the Universe—and to no longer rely on man-made constitutions with their inherent human weaknesses and failings. 'The Constitution of the Universe is the Unified Field—the light of God—the field of infinite silence and infinite dynamism ingrained in every grain of creation. It eternally promotes the evolution of everyone and everything, from point to infinity, in the ever-expanding galactic universe,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi said his Global Country of World Peace is establishing several groups of 8,000 Yogic Flyers throughout the world to enliven the Unified Field and create an invincible influence of coherence in world consciousness. The Global Country of World Peace is also establishing Vedic schools, colleges, and universities in every country to offer total knowledge of the Unified Field and raise the whole population to enlightenment—Unity Consciousness.
'When the people are educated to function from the Unified Field, then all thought and action will be supported by total Natural Law—the Constitution of the Universe—and they won't make mistakes or cause problems for themselves or for others. Then every government will be successful and enjoy 'automation in administration'—and no government will have to change or leave power,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi concluded by restating his pledge to the world press that, despite the deplorable state of governments today, he will raise every nation to invincibility—and he will do it without depending on any government. 'With the blessings of the tradition of Vedic Masters, I am creating the coherent effect with a few groups of Yogic Flyers in different parts of the world. Through their daily routine of rising to enlightenment, they will automatically create invincibility in collective consciousness. Then every ruler will be able to fulfil his parental role in the nation, and every government will be able to enjoy the strength, wisdom, creativity, and friendship of every other government. And the whole world family will enjoy Global Raam Raj—global administration through total Natural Law—the light of God—now and for all generations to come,' Maharishi said
Copyright 2004 Global Country of World Peace
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