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Mozambique: Former President Chissano's organic farm a model of simplicity, profitability for his country
by Global Good News staff writer

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8 October 2012

A 600-hectare organic farm near Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, established by former President Joaquim Chissano, was one of several places Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, visited during his stay in Mozambique earlier this year.

Please see Part I of this article: 'Mozambique: 20th year since peace accord features visit from Maharishi University of Management president'

Dr Morris's visit to Mozambique was part of the 14-country Invincible Africa tour, which also celebrated the 'Golden Jubilee' 50th anniversary of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes on the continent. These events coincided with the 20th anniversary year of the peace accords that resolved Mozambique's long civil war in 1992, which were commemorated a few days ago on 4 October.

Accompanied by Mr Celio Mondlane of the Joaquim Chissano Foundation and others on his visit to President Chissano's farm, Dr Morris learned about how the farm employs local labour and utilizes simple harvesting methods. With these methods farmers can grow crops efficiently and sell the harvest at a profit. President Chissano is eager to set an example for the country of how to farm profitably using this system.

Three houses have been constructed on the farm for faculty who will set up an agricultural institute in collaboration with Maharishi University of Management. Next, dormitories for 400 will be built so students can come from all around the countryside to learn Transcendental Meditation and receive training in this simple, self-sufficient, small-scale form of agriculture.

Since about 70 per cent of Mozambique's economy is still agricultural, Dr Morris commented, President Chissano feels this institute will have a positive impact.

Global Good News will continue to report on Dr Bevan Morris's visit to Mozambique, including his meeting with President Chissano after seeing the farm.

For more information about Transcendental Meditation and related programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Africa, please contact:, or visit:

See related articles:
Mauritius, Mozambique host Invincible Africa tour
President Chissano's message on Transcendental Meditation to Kenyan conference featured in new DVD series
'You will be contributing to build a new world' - President Chissano of Mozambique
Esteemed global statesman, President Chissano of Mozambique, visits Maharishi University of Management
Joaquim Chissano: Democrat among the despots

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