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Understanding total Natural Law in the Soil Food Web yields practical benefits for agriculture, health - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer
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30 June 2008
In a brilliant presentation on the Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr Peter Swan, Minister of Communications of the Global Country of World Peace, showed how, from the perspective of earth sciences, every aspect of structure and function at all levels of the 'Soil Food Web' is an expression of total Natural Law found in the Veda and Vedic Literature. Dr Swan also highlighted important implications of this research for agriculture and health.
Dr Swan is host of the Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via satellite and over the Internet on Channel 3 of the Maharishi Channel.
He began by expressing his deep gratitude to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, for his gift of Total Knowledge to the world; and to Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, for his discovery of Veda in Human Physiology, 'a completely unexpected, unheard of, unprecedented gift of knowledge, . . . which Maharishi has counted as the greatest research ever undertaken'.
Dr Swan also thanked Maharaja for the opportunity to present preliminary findings in this 'ongoing evolutionary research on the subject of Veda in the soil and in the environment as a whole', which have been maturing over many years. His interest in this field was inspired by the study of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, particularly the principle that 'diet is one of the primary factors for good health'. This led him to the question of where food comes from, and the resulting investigation has yielded 'a beautiful vision of Totality, even in the soil'.
Establishing the themes of his presentation from the perspective of Maharishi's Vedic Science, Dr Swan first referred to Maharishi's Apaurusheya Bhashya of Rk Veda—'the Uncreated Commentary in which Total Knowledge, Veda, represented in its first syllable, A, comments on itself—and always the commentary comes from the gap between the syllables, between the verses. This theme goes through all the Vedic Literature, and has been seen in all the various disciplines of modern science—the intelligence is located in the gap.'
Dr Swan also referred to a detailed Chart presenting Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam's discovery that 'the physiology also has 40 aspects, which are the perfect expression of Veda, of Total Knowledge', Dr Swan said.
'Now we can look, as Maharishi stated many times, and see if Veda can be seen in the parts of life in the world around us—in my particular field of interest: Where does our food come from? How do plants grow, how do they get their nourishment?'
Dr Swan then launched into a discussion of the Soil Food Web (SFW) in great depth and rich detail, illustrated by a beautiful and ingenious sequence of graphics.
The SFW is 'one single system of supremely tuned intelligence', Dr Swan said. 'It is not something that can be replaced by chemicals.'
He described many extraordinary aspects of the SFW, highlighting the interconnecting, interdependent functions of support and nourishment amongst its components at the various levels, including bacteria, microorganisms, and continuing on up to plants.
Dr Swan explained in detail how each level of the SFW receives, refines, and offers nutrients to the next level, developing the theme that 'it's the soil life that produces soil nutrients. Without the soil life, without the Soil Food Web, we would have no life at all. It is what creates life.'
As he developed the principal functions of the SFW, illustrating that 'every possible kind of interaction takes place in the Soil Food Web', Dr Swan's presentation brought out the correlations between the SFW and Maharishi's Vedic Science, and that the whole is a marvelous expression of total Natural Law in the Veda and Vedic Literature. Major functions on which Dr Swan elaborated included:
- Nutrient cycling - Create soil structure - Nutrient and moisture retention - Disease suppression - Degrades toxins, and buffers animals and plants from toxins - Self-regulating - Self-fertilizing cycle
Speaking of disease suppression, Dr Swan described the 'extraordinary immune system' of the SFW. Plants attract various members of the SFW that they require for their nutrition and also for their protection—because those members of the SFW secrete, on their behalf, antibiotics and vitamins that destroy pathogens (organisms that could damage the plants). 'The major source of disease suppression, safety, and health protecting the plant is from the Soil Food Web.'
Describing the ability to remove toxins, he said, 'All toxins that we can think of . . . there is almost nothing that cannot be degraded by the Soiil Food Web' (citing the use of compost to neutralize and clean up gasoline and ''brownfields'', former industrial land where toxic substances have leached into the ground).
Regarding the important function of self-regulation, the various components regulate each other—they attract and nourish each other with nutrients; suppress each other with antibiotics; and protect each other (different organisms will exude different chemicals to protect their host). They also help colonize plants, producing the chemicals that will attract others. . . . and compete with and resist pathogens.'
The soil fertilizes itself with the plants, the vegetation ecosystems that grow on the surface. 'Man has not had to be involved to grow the great forests, prairies, savannas, and grasslands.'
Dr Swan continued to present his brilliant insights into the extraordinary attributes and functions of the Soil Food Web. Global Good News will continue featuring articles exploring the correlations between the SFW and Maharishi's Vedic Science; how every level expresses the qualities of intelligence in the Veda and Vedic Literature; and the implications of this developing field of research for the fields of agriculture and health.
For the replay schedule of Dr Swan's lecture on the Maharishi Channel, please visit the Maharishi Channel information page. It is also featured currently in the Global Family Chat Archives of recent broadcasts available for online viewing.
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