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Dr Bevan Morris: The parental role of farmers for the whole nation
by Global Good News Staff Writer
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14 August 2007
During a recent Global Press Conference on Unified Field Based Agriculture, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, spoke about the great responsibility farmers have to provide food for the nation that is health-giving and elevating to the individual and society as a whole.
Dr Morris said that the critical point to be learned by the students at Maharishi Vedic Agriculture University is a common saying from the Vedic tradition in India: 'The mind depends on the quality of food that one eats.'
So the first thing that the farmers at the Maharishi Vedic Agricultural University will learn is that they will have a very great responsibility; they have a parental role for the whole nation, not only to provide food so that people can stay alive, but to provide food that is elevating, health-giving, and uplifting for the individual, and therefore to the society as a whole, because society is only made of individuals.
'The next point that they will learn is how to develop higher states of consciousness,' Dr Morris said. 'They will learn that there are seven states of human consciousness. Waking, sleeping, and dreaming are the three regular states that people experience, but there are four higher states of consciousness: transcendental consciousness, cosmic consciousness, God consciousness, and Unity consciousness.
'It is an essential requirement of every farmer to experience transcendental consciousness through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, which they will do during their academic routine at the Maharishi Vedic Agriculture University. They will continue practising this and its advanced techniques, including Yogic Flying, as the essential basis of their agricultural programme.
'They have to do this in order to be a good and successful farmer. Why? Because by practising these techniques of consciousness, they experience the Unified Field of Natural Law. When they experience the silent, self-referral, transcendental state of their own consciousness, the individual mind becomes unified with the Unified Field itself, like a wave on the ocean settling down to be the ocean. The consciousness of the farmer becomes the entire consciousness of the universe; the entire intelligence of the universe is captured in the awareness of the farmer.
'As they continue this practice, the farmers grow in the ability to function even in the daily activity of their farming from the level of the Unified Field. This is the way in which they achieve Krishi Kavach, protection for the whole farming process from all misfortune and all damage. Why? Because when they function from the level of the Unified Field, the farmers will automatically be functioning at the level where all the laws of nature have their source, their basis, and so every impulse of their thought and action will be in harmony with or according to natural law, the intelligence of nature. . .
'When the farmers begin to function completely in harmony with all the laws of nature, agreeing with the culturing intelligence of nature, such problems will simply be prevented before they arise,' Dr Morris said. '. . . At the same time . . . not only will negative things not happen, but anything positive that is required will happen, spontaneously, and immediately.'
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