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What are Loyola Med School students doing to beat stress?
by Marissa Markowitz

Excellence in Action    Translate This Article
14 April 2016

The Excellence In Action page of Global Good News is featuring medical students at Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, who are incorporating the Transcendental Meditation technique in their training to reduce stress.

Enjoy the full article on the Excellence in Action page.

So far the program has had widespread success with students reporting that the technique is beneficially life-altering. Students express evidence with reduced stress, elimination of migraine headaches, and overall positive experiences from practicing the TM technique.

Medical student Dani Terrell says: ''[TM has] changed the kind of person that I am inside and out. Part of that is because it really lets you maximize your full potential—the kind that everyone knows that they have inside but gets impeded upon by all these tiny obstacles and stresses that come up every day.''

Carla Brown, EdD, and Gregory Gruener, MD, describe how students at the Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University Chicago learn about the science and methodology behind the Transcendental Meditation technique in the January 2016 issue of Chicago Medicine, published by the Chicago Medical Society. Two related articles on the Transcendental Meditation technique and medical education are featured: ''Physician, Heal Thyself'' (page 22), followed by ''The Supporting Science'' (page 26)

Click here to read both articles.

Loyola Stritch School of Medicine Dean Linda Brubaker, TM director Carla Brown, and Dani Terrell were interviewed by a local radio host on February 25. The discussion can be watched online, with an app, or as a podcast. Check the website archives of WTTW for details.

Copyright © 2016 Global Good News

See related articles:
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