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Maharishi University of Management launches Online Graduate Certificate in Management Information Systems
by Global Good News writer

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29 October 2013

Management Information Systems (MIS) is the field at the intersection of management and technology, said Dr Anil Maheshwari, Associate Professor and Director of the new Online Graduate Certificate programme in MIS at Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in the USA.

MIS studies how information technology can be deployed to manage growth and benefit organizations. MIS is about strategizing the capital investment that organizations put into Information Technology (IT). It identifies needs, and manages projects so the investment delivers a good return.

Dr Maheshwari brings to the programme a substantial combination of academic and industry experience. He has a BA in technology from the Indian Institute of Technology and MBA from the Indian Institute of Management; his PhD is from Case Western University in Ohio, USA. He brings teaching experience from three universities, and twenty years of industry experience—nine with IBM.

In a recent interview, Dr Maheshwari explained the increasing importance of training and expertise in MIS. The market needs professionals who know how to align IT capabilities with business priorities, he said. Professionals need to stay technologically up-to-date and grow their careers in what is typically a dynamically changing environment.

The MUM Graduate Certificate programme is taught by PhD faculty with industry experience, using the latest online education technologies—video lectures, blogs, etc. It offers a unique blend of the latest MIS knowledge and Maharishi Vedic Science. Although many well-known universities offer online courses, Dr Maheshwari pointed out that the specialty of Maharishi University of Management—Consciousness-Based Education—makes its MIS programme truly cutting-edge.

Students in the MIS programme have the experiential benefit of practising Transcendental Meditation, which creates integrated brain functioning. In this fast-paced world of ever-increasing volumes of technological data, to have holistic brain functioning is a necessity. Maharishi Vedic Science allows the brain to expand to full capacity so that it is open to all possibilities.

Dr Maheshwari emphasized the need for experts to be growing in themselves and in their ability to evaluate large amounts of information and therefore be able to come up with best solutions for the needs of businesses and their ability to serve their customers.

The certificate programme began this autumn at MUM. The students who enrolled in the programme come from a variety of backgrounds, but all have a desire to understand how management technology can impact their career in the future.

The course consists of 6-8 hours per week, taken during 2-4 semesters of 15-16 weeks each. It aims to create balanced MIS professionals who have expertise in both IT and management models.

The skills taught in this programme are practical and immediately useful in:
∙ Aligning IT strategy with business strategy.
∙ Business analysis and critical thinking about how to achieve their goal with the least time and effort.
∙ Enterprise-wide IT platform thinking, on a huge scale.
∙ Development and management of IT systems—install, develop, manage.
∙ Data management and analytics teaches students how to manage huge volumes and a variety of information pouring in from multiple sources.

MUM qualified for the Academic Advantage programme offered by IBM, which supports participating institutions with free software that helps create the tools for better programmes in IT, E-commerce, social media, IT security, etc.

The next entry date for the programme is January 2014.

For more information and to apply, visit:

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