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Kenya: Warm welcome for Consciousness-Based Education pioneer from community, primary school
by Global Good News staff writer

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24 March 2012

While visiting the Nandi Hills region of Kenya, Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, focused much of his time on presenting the benefits of Consciousness-Based Education for local schools.

Dr Morris visited a primary school, one of two in the area which have introduced Transcendental Meditation on a big scale, meaning all their students meditate twice a day as part of their academic routine.

Students welcomed Dr Morris and other visitors, including Transcendental Meditation teachers from other parts of Kenya, with singing and dancing. The students also presented garlands of flowers.

The district school chief welcomed the visitors as well.

Dr Morris said that it is not just the children who are affected by the school's implementation of Consciousness-Based Education. 'This has spread far beyond just the school students; the community is deeply involved in practising Transcendental Meditation.'

A good example of the community's involvement came during the elaborate three-hour welcome ceremony which involved all the students, including those from neighboring high schools and primary schools, as well as all the parents.

Dr Morris and the other visitors received a formal welcome from a unique group of women who were eager to show their support for Transcendental Meditation and the primary school. The ladies' organization, a group of mothers and grandmothers, gather frequently and meditate together. They even have their own unique matching dresses that they wear for formal occasions.

The ladies group performed a welcoming dance and song, in which they shared their goals for the area's educational future. They would like for all students to learn Transcendental Meditation, and they also want a school for boys that utilizes Consciousness-Based Education, similar to the Maharishi Secondary School for Girls in Uganda.

Of the welcoming ceremony, Dr Morris said, 'There was something about the children and mothers singing that had an edge of bliss about it. . . . The warmth of the welcome was so huge, it was overwhelming.'

For more information about Dr Morris's 14-country Invincible Africa tour, as well as Maharishi's programmes on the continent, please contact:

See related articles:
Invincible Africa Golden Jubilee Tour: Celebrating 50 years of Maharishi's programmes in Africa
Kenyan educator on Transcendental Meditation: 'This is something universal'
Kenya: Headmistress notes students' increased confidence after learning Transcendental Meditation
Kenya: Transcendental Meditation welcomed by local leadership in Nandi Hills
Maharishi Secondary School for Girls in Uganda welcomes distinguished educator

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