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Renowned psychiatrist discusses his Transcendental Meditation practice, discovery of Seasonal Affective Disorder
by Global Good News staff writer

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2 July 2011

Dr Norman Rosenthal, renowned psychiatrist who brought to light Seasonal Affective Disorder and its treatment, discusses the importance of the Transcendental Meditation Technique in his own life and how he recommends it to his patients.

'As a researcher, I have learned that it is critical to be open to new possibilities whenever they arise. That practice has served me well,' he said, speaking to graduating students at Maharishi University of Management.

In his commencement address, Dr Rosenthal offered seven 'pearls of wisdom', the third of which was, 'Be open to new possibilities'.*

'As a young researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health I observed patients with regular cycles of depression in the winter, alternating with happy times in the spring and summer.

' ''Could it be related to changes in the environment, in the environmental light?'' I wondered. I asked myself, ''Why not?''**

'I described a condition that had never been previously identified and called it Seasonal Affective Disorder, and developed a new treatment for it—light therapy—which is now a standard type of treatment all over the world. My original description of the condition and its treatment has now been cited more than 1,000 times.

'I would not be speaking to you all today had I not listened to a young man with bipolar disorder who told me how Transcendental Meditation had changed his life. When I shared with him that I had once learned the technique, he urged me to get back to it, and I said to myself ''Why not?'' '**

'Because it made a huge difference in my life, I went on to recommend it my patients, to research it, and wrote a book about it.

*Please see Part I ,Part II, Part III, and Part IV of this article.

**Dr Rosenthal refers to a George Bernard Shaw quote from earlier in his address: 'Some people look at the world as it is and ask, ''Why?'' I look at the world as it never was, and ask ''Why not?'' '

In the coming days, Global Good News will continue to feature Dr Rosenthal's commencement address.

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