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Maharishi University of Management commencement speaker: 'Self-knowledge will repay you richly over time'
by Global Good News staff writer

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2 July 2011


Dr. Norman Rosenthal, bestselling author and distinguished professor of psychiatry, delivers the 2011 commencement address at Maharishi University of Management

In his commencement address at Maharishi University of Management, renowned psychiatrist and bestselling author Dr Norman Rosenthal discussed how by knowing one's own self, one can capitalize on strengths and overcome challenges.

Please also see Part I of this article.

'From my long experience as a psychiatrist I must add that knowing yourself also means knowing how your brain works, what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are.

'In my practice I see many young people with so-called ''learning deficits'', but almost invariably they have powerful mental abilities that offset those deficits. . . . Usually not enough energy is invested in developing those powerful strengths,' he said.

Dr Rosenthal recalled his own challenges in medical school, sitting for long periods of time memorizing and studying. He decided to study with a friend, and that made all the difference. 'It was because I knew myself, and my difficulty sitting glued to my desk, that I was able to find a solution,' he said.

'So I recommend to those of you who are good at some things, but not so much at others, to team up with people who have complementary skills—that way you can solve problems without having to rewire your brain circuitry, which is not such an easy thing to do.

'My guess is that you know yourself better than most graduating students, because you are used to diving deep into your mind twice a day [through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique] and accessing that unbounded transcendent consciousness that is a key to self-knowledge.

'Of course, gaining self-knowledge is a life-long process. But you are well on your way, and I predict that your continued growth in this area will repay you richly over time.'

In the coming days, Global Good News will continue to feature Dr Rosenthal's commencement address.

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