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Scriptures of major religions reflect universal principles of life expressed in Maharishi Vedic Science
by Global Good News staff writer

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21 June 2011

In a recent presentation, Dr Evan Finkelstein* of Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, explained parallels between the major religious scriptures of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and the principles of Maharishi Vedic Science, especially with reference to the theme of higher states of consciousness.

In Dr Finkelstein's dissertation, titled 'Universal principles of life expressed in Maharishi Vedic Science and in the scripture and writings of the saints of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,' he identified five core principles of Maharishi Vedic Science which were mirrored in the religious scriptures:

1. the existence and nature of the ultimate reality in religious terminology (God);
2. the principle related to the main purpose of human life;
3. the ultimate cause of all human problems and suffering in life;
4. how to remove all these problems and suffering through the process of transcending in the Transcendental Meditation Technique and the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying; and
5. development of higher states of consciousness through practice of these technologies of consciousness, and the creation of permanent world peace, or Heaven on Earth.

In his presentation, Dr Finkelstein gave examples of the similarities between major religious texts and Vedic Science with respect to the fifth principle, attainment of higher states of consciousness. One textual theme he focused on to bring out this point was that the enlightened person, who has attained higher states of consciousness, is an 'instrument of the divine', or a 'servant of the Lord'. In terms of Maharishi Vedic Science, this could also be understood as the enlightened person acting spontaneously and effortlessly in accord with Natural Law—in such a way aligned with cosmic intelligence to fulfil the needs of society.

Dr Finkelstein cited specific passages from the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible, and from the Qur'an, which exemplified how Noah (in Christianity), Isaiah (in Judaism), and Mohammed (in Islam), acted or spoke righteously as one with God. He compared these examples to the similar principle in Maharishi Vedic Science that the enlightened person will act in accord with Natural Law, from the level of pure consciousness—the Unified Field of Natural Law—as experienced directly through regular practice of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying.

* Dr Finkelstein is Assistant Professor of Comparative Religion and Maharishi Vedic Science at MUM. Included in courses taught by Prof Finkelstein are themes such as universal principles of life expressed by Maharishi Vedic Science and the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

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