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Maharishi School represented at 15 school fairs in China, draws student interest
by Global Good News staff writer

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19 April 2011

Dr Richard Beall, the principal of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment (MSAE) in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, recently participated in a series of school fairs in China. Many young visitors at the fairs expressed interest in becoming boarding students at the school.

So far, Maharishi School has eight boarding students from various foreign countries, all of whom are living with host families in the town. 'We wish to expand this number of boarding students significantly, which motivated our recent tour in China,' said Dr Beall. He added that plans are underway for renovation of a building to serve as dorms for boarding high school students, although he hopes that many of them will be able to live with host families.

In China, Dr Beall and his wife Andrea represented MSAE at 15 different school fairs, in 10 cities throughout the country. A prominent feature of their exhibit was a short video depicting testimonials from Chinese students already enrolled at the school, speaking in their native language. 'I think this video attracted students at the fairs since it showed how attuned we were to the Chinese culture.'

Students at the fairs expressed great interest in the unique features of Maharishi School, including twice daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. They were drawn to the low-stress environment and overall approach of the school, which nonetheless results in a high level of achievement among students in many academic fields, as well as in sports and the arts.

Dr Beall mentioned that some Chinese students are already eager to attend the school in Fairfield, and arrangements are being made for them to enrol next fall. Nearly 100 schools participated in these fairs in major cities, he said. 'We were heartened that students recognized the unique value of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightment.'

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