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Global celebration, 12 January: Maharishi's historic address on the structure of pure knowledge, 1980
by Global Good New staff writer
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12 January 2011
During the global celebration of 12 January 2011 by the Global Country of World Peace, a video was played of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's historic address from 12 January 1980, in which he gave a profound discourse on the structure of pure knowledge, the Veda, the field of total Natural Law.
Maharishi explained that this structure of pure knowledge is in the consciousness of everyone, and called for a practical plan to provide education to enliven this field, so that everyone everywhere can make use of its infinite organizing power in daily life and live in enlightenment, free from weakness, ignorance, and suffering; and this is our fortunate ability to design a whole new destiny for the world.
During his address Maharishi said that, having enlivened the structure of pure knowledge in our awareness, 'we will get on to planning, so that tradition of enlivening the structure of pure knowledge in the structure of Natural Law continues from here on, generation after generation in every part of the world.
'Because after all, what is there except knowledge?' Maharishi continued. 'All this enormous extension of the universe, with all this multifarious multiplicity, variety—this in essence, in reality, in truth is the expression of pure knowledge. And knowledge . . . [is] knowledge of the whole thing, all the relative, the whole of the Absolute, knowledge of everything.
'The seat of knowledge, as we know, is the consciousness. Knower is the centre of knowledge, consciousness is the knower, and consciousness as we know from our own experience, has quiet state of its structure, and vibrating value of its structure. Consciousness in two aspects. When the consciousness is active, it knows many other things. When the consciousness is quiet, it knows itself, and in this, the process of knowing is a perpetual thing, a continuum. Process of knowing is a continuum, something. Whether the consciousness is pulsating or it's quiet. When it's quiet it knows itself, so the process of knowing is there, so the structure of knowledge is there, only it's there in unified state, where the knower, and the known, and the process of knowing are not two-three things, it's one thing.
'This we say, the Absolute state of knowing, or the Absolute state of knowledge. And then the consciousness is reverberating. It's travelling through the senses, through the mind, through the intellect, . . . through the ego, and it is many branched, many-branched consciousness, is open to other things.
'There is a state of knowledge where the knower is the known, in that settled state of consciousness. There is another state of knowledge where the knower is different from what it knows. The reverberating consciousness which experiences things, through all the five senses—seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting—all these many channels of consciousness to flow out to know things other than itself. To know things other than itself is one state of knowledge, and one state of knowing. And to know oneself is another state of knowing.
'In this field of obvious experience, there is an inquiry. At one time the knower is the known, at other time the knower is different. What is the relationship between these two states of knowing, or these two structures of knowledge? When the knower is different from what it knows, and when . . . the knower and known are the same. What is the relation between these?
'This inquiry is the subject matter of the structure of knowledge itself. Wherefrom can we get the answer to this? Certainly from within the structure of knowledge, from within the field of knowing. This field of knowing, this structure of knowledge, where the knower is one and where the knower is separate from the knowledge—in one case knower is the knowing process, it is the thing that it knows; and in the other, knower is separate from what it knows, separate from the knowing process. He says, ''I think, I know.'' So knowing is separate from the I.
'The relationship between these two states of knowing is the field of the knowing. This is the field of the knowing, the whole field of knowing, from the Absolute state of knowing, through all the relative states of knowing.
This is the field of knowledge, this is the field of Veda. This is the structure of knowledge. What do we find in the state of pure knowledge? The Totality of life. The Totality of experience. All the different states of consciousness. Because [it is] the consciousness that knows. So this whole field of knowing and known and the knower—the action, the doer, and the performance—all this field is the field of knowing. And Veda is knowledge. Veda is knowing.'
Global Good News will continue to feature highlights of Maharishi's address from 12 January 1980 in the coming days.
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