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A child's experience going to a non-Vastu school
Maharishi Vastu Architecture Translate This Article
18 November 2010
A father describes the contrast in his son's feelings and behaviour—from attending a non-Vastu school, to his joy and liveliness as soon as he returns to his Maharishi Vedic architecture home. A grandfather recounts his infant granddaughter's happiness and peacefulness while visiting his Vastu office.
''Our three-year-old boy has been going to a child care centre one day a week for the last two months,'' the father writes, ''to help get him used to spending time with other children and to begin preparing him for school. He enjoys being with other children, but spending a full day in a non-Vastu building seems to be having a not-so-good effect. The Centre has quite good orientation and slope to the east, but the building has no other Vastu attributes.
''On the days that he is due to go there, he says that he really doesn't want to go. It is not said in a protesting way—just quietly and with a tinge of sadness or unease and not wanting to leave home. This is in contrast with his nature, which is outgoing, friendly, and fun-loving. When we pick him up at the end of the day he is always very subdued, and then as we get in the car he starts to brighten up. By the time we get home he is full of energy and absolutely exuberant when in the house.''
The father described a recent experience in which the child was reluctant to enter one of the rooms in the Centre, saying repeatedly that being in the room made him feel sick. The father explained that ''he is too young to pretend or exaggerate and so his feelings were a little mystifying. After we left, he was fine and happy again. Although the people at the Centre are very caring and helpful, I feel the non-Vastu building compared to the sweet home Vastu must be having an effect.''
The father also commented that it is ''heart-breaking for parents who raise a child in Vastu and recognize the great benefits of Vedic Architecture to have to send their children out to try to learn in non-Vastu buildings.
''No matter how hard the staff tries to educate the children, I feel they will always be held back by the building—this seems the only explanation we have for the behaviour of our children in Maharishi Vastu compared to non-Vastu buildings. We are really trying to decide if it is wise to send our children to non-Vastu schools and locations . . . . The solution would be to have Maharishi Schools everywhere!''
A grandfather's report:
''My daughter had begun doing some secretarial work for me after she had her baby. She was concerned that due to the baby's fussiness, she would not be able to get any work done if she brought the baby to work. However, this has never been a problem. My daughter has been surprised at how happy and peaceful her daughter has been each time she has been in my Vastu office.''
To view this and other articles about children's experiences in Vastu buildings, please visit Children in Vastu.
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