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Gaining the fruit of all knowledge, evenness of life: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
by Global Good News staff writer

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22 October 2010

In an address to the people of Nepal during his November 1974 visit to the country, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi spoke about his formula for fulfilment in education. A video of Maharishi's historic address was recently featured during the Full Moon celebration of the Global Mother Divine Organization.

In the conclusion of his address, Maharishi pointed out that even though it is not possible to gain all knowledge through study of every discipline, it is through the experience of the non-changing field of life, the Self, that 'one gains the fruit of all knowledge,' evenness of life.

Everything that we study and we teach, Maharishi said, every aspect of teaching available in the world is necessary because it creates some facility in that field.

'Life as a whole demands knowledge of everything. We should not be ignorant about anything, and then only we will not make mistakes in any field.'

How many fields are there?, Maharishi asked. 'Innumerable. How many subjects are there? Countless. How much can a man study? Very little. Out of hundred or two hundred subjects, maybe ten or twenty, maybe five, maybe six.

'In the whole history of education there has been a great compromise,'
Maharishi continued. 'Not everything about life can be known by anyone. So we have been compromising. If the whole knowledge cannot be gained by anyone, then give him whatever he can, a little here and there.'

Maharishi pointed out that this lack of knowledge of the great field of life is responsible for keeping man ignorant in the majority of fields. Even in those fields which one studies, in any field of specialization—even though it opens some new field of knowledge, the situation is that the more a man knows about a subject, the more he realizes that a greater field of knowledge is unknown.

'That means,' Maharishi said, 'in very simple words, the system of education prevalent in all parts of the world awakens a man to his greater range of ignorance. This means that ignorance increases more than the knowledge. This is because we have to make a compromise. There is nothing in any part of the world that can open the door of all knowledge to every student.'

Nevertheless, Maharishi concluded, 'We in Nepal can do it—because we have that great [Vedic] storehouse of knowledge [about consciousness], which tells of a field, by knowing which that evenness of life will be there, and that evenness of life is the fruit of all knowledge.'

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