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Comic: How not to practice Transcendental Meditation
by Mario Orsatti

Transcendental Meditation - USA
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21 October 2010

(The title of this article by Mario Orsatti refers to cartoons in the widely read book by Denise Denniston, The TM Book: How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life, illustrating how Transcendental Meditation differs from other meditation practices.*)

There are many misconceptions about how to practice the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. Some people think it involves concentration or contemplation, while others think it is something that can be learned from a book. In fact, it is none of these things.

The Transcendental Meditation technique is a simple, natural procedure that anyone of any background, age or gender can practice. There are now more than six million people worldwide who practice and enjoy the TM program.

The Transcendental Meditation technique does not involve any concentration or control of the mind. These practices keep the mind engaged in some way, for example, by focusing on an object like a candle or on something like your breath. Others keep us aware of thoughts or images. These practices keep the mind active on the surface thinking level.

The Transcendental Meditation technique allows the mind to simply, naturally, and effortlessly transcend thinking and to experience a deep state of restfully alert consciousness. The holistic benefits that have been found to result from daily TM practice are the automatic result of this unique experience.

(To view some of the cartoons in the book, please visit Mr Orsatti's post on the official US Transcendental Meditation website.)

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* Available through Maharishi University of Management Press

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