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Japan: Consciousness-Based Education tour stirs tremendous interest in education, healthcare, invincibility
by Global Good News staff writer

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17 April 2010

Dr Ashley Deans, Global Ambassador for Consciousness-Based Education, and Executive Director of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, recently toured Japan inspiring tremendous interest, as he spoke with educational and governmental leaders, medical doctors, and students and teachers throughout the nation.

His first lecture was in Hiroshima, where he said the people are very interested in the possibility of creating invincibility through the the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

An education conference held in the city served as a planning session for offering Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme, Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, and Yogic Flying in the schools. Dr Deans commented on the strong leadership of local practitioners of Transcendental Meditation, including a Buddhist monk, who attended the conference.

'While we were there [in Hiroshima], we met with many dignitaries,' Dr Deans said. Speaking of a discussion with an important advisor of the former Minister of Science and Technology, Dr Deans said, 'This was a very positive meeting, one which really created a great deal of good feeling, and it gave us the opportunity to set out all of Maharishi's programmes in a very coherent way to a very receptive audience.'

Along with his delegation, including the administrator of the Transcendental Meditation Programme for Japan, and young graduates of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment and Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Dr Deans visited the Maharishi Island of World Peace off the coast of Hiroshima. With its beautiful beaches, orange trees, and deep bamboo forests, it will be an ideal location for a Maharishi University of World Peace in Japan.

Dr Deans commented that everywhere they went, the audience not only enjoyed hearing about the scientific basis and verification of Consciousness-Based Education, but were also deeply inspired by the young students, who spoke about their own experience with this education.

In another city, Dr Deans and his team were warmly received by the president of a university with several thousand students. The president, who is also a medical doctor, 'very deeply understood the need for a prevention-oriented health education programmes, and prevention-oriented natural medicine, and really appreciated the concept of Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health.' He also 'understood deeply the role that the university could play if it created 1,000 or 2,000 students practising Maharishi's Yogic Flying technique.'

The Vice President of another university was also very receptive, Dr Deans reported, and Raja Konhaus and Japan's National Director are following up with him about introducing Maharishi's programmes for education.

They also met with the head of large hospital who has established himself in Japan as a pioneer of preventive medicine techniques. He was very interested in the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health Centre that is to be built soon, Dr Deans said.

In the coming days, Global Good News will feature the continuation of Dr Deans talk.

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