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Consciousness-Based Education: Solution for WHO study of 200,000 students in 41 European countries - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer

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12 May 2008

Dr Eckhart Stein, Director of Education for the Global Country of World Peace in Invincible Germany, a leading quantum physicist and researcher in quantum chromodynamics, reported on a recent Maharishi Global Family Chat about a wave of press articles on the problems of education in Germany and a conference about Consciousness-Based Education, held in response to these articles.

Dr Stein said that education is currently facing many problems, and people are becoming more and more aware of this. The solution is Consciousness-Based Education, which develops the total brain potential of the student, giving knowledge and experience of his own Self. Illustrating his talk with slides, Dr Stein pointed out that there was 'an uproar in the German press recently when they found out that the current system of education actually makes pupils sick'.

The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a study of more than 200,000 children in 41 countries of Europe, and found that one fifth of students suffer from headaches, stomach aches, and all kinds of psychosomatic diseases just from going to school. Stress in schools is damaging the health of the children, 'but they have not yet found out,' said Dr Stein, 'that stress in schools is actually damaging the brain of the students.'

Dr Stein translated the headline of one newspaper, which read: 'Sick pupils running big risk'. Dr Stein said this means that 'when you go to school, you are not going there to develop your full potential, you're not going to learn something to fulfil your desire as a student who wants to learn, or to fulfil the desire of the teachers who want to give out knowledge; but it's like ''taking a medicine''. The article stated that school is like a medicine that has side effects.'

The WHO study shows that school influences health, the article explained. Students have fear and stress in schools, and physical problems.

The study was put forward by a university in Germany, and became big news in Germany. 'That's what every principal, every teacher, every child, and every parent knows. It's written down in a book with 300 pages, and they are now looking for a solution,' Dr Stein said.

Another monthly magazine asked, 'What is the ideal school? What should a school be like?' The article says: 'Health question number 1: What is the ideal school?'

The first question the article asks is, 'What is knowledge?' 'We know the definition of Total Knowledge,' said Dr Stein. 'Know that by knowing which everything else is known.'

Global Good News will feature Part II of this article in the coming days.

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