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Consciousness-Based Education: Some frequently asked questions    Translate This Article
8 January 2008

A series of questions and answers about Consciousness-Based Education, a Maharishi School, and Maharishi's Vedic Education.

What does '-Based Education' mean?
Education is the main way we try to develop the most important natural resource of our nation—the intelligence and creativity of young people. Consciousness-Based Education enables any school to fulfil this responsibility by systematically developing the creativity and intelligence of students so that regardless of their prior education or their background they can experience increasing success day by day. This is accomplished through effective, proven educational methodologies, featuring Transcendental Meditation.

Can you tell me more about Maharishi Schools of the Age of Enlightenment?
A Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment is a pioneer in the world of education today, since it provides its students with a natural way to develop their full creative potential in all areas of life. Through the approach of Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education, students not only learn the traditional academic disciplines but they experience the growth of their own consciousness, the basis of the whole learning process. Thus, a Maharishi School is setting a new direction in primary and secondary education—education for enlightenment.

What is Vedic Education?
Vedic Education is the means to enliven the total knowledge of Natural Law in the consciousness, Atma, the Self of everyone—raising the quality of individual intelligence to Cosmic Intelligence, so that everyone always spontaneously lives daily life in accord with the total creative intelligence of Natural Law—life always spontaneously upheld in the direction of evolution.

Experience and knowledge of Atma, through Transcendental Meditation, enlivens all levels of consciousness and opens Transcendental Consciousness, the self referral state of consciousness—the total potential of Natural Law—the holistic value of the Laws of Nature—to direct experience, enlivening the infinite organising power of Natural Law in human awareness, which results in all activity and behaviour supported by the evolutionary power of Natural Law.

The means to enjoy the full value of Vedic Education is to develop Vedic Consciousness, fully enlightened awareness. Vedic Consciousness develops through experience of Veda and understanding of Veda on the intellectual level—knowledge gained through experience, and knowledge gained by understanding.

What is the 'Science of Creative Intelligence'?
'The Science of Creative Intelligence, which connects modern science with ancient Vedic Science, is the foundation of all knowledge—complete knowledge—and therefore is the basis of complete fulfillment.

Introducing the Science of Creative Intelligence and the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field [the Transcendental Meditation Programme] into education is the one way for all mankind to stop violation of Natural Law and end the long tradition of problems and suffering in life individually and globally.'—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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