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Students take new sustainable living Forest Academy

The M.U.M. Review
Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA
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13 September 2007

Last month for the first time the University offered a Forest Academy* in sustainable living, which began with a guest talk by Raja John Konhaus**, the foremost expert in Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture(SM).

The two-week course was taught by Professor Lonnie Gamble and Alex Kachan and featured topics such as clean energy, food production, environmental design, and more. Over 20 students took part in this course, which aimed at giving an understanding of the benefits of working with, rather than against, nature.

Dr. Konhaus gave a talk about what Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture is, gave updates regarding projects around the world and immediate employment opportunities, and answered questions.

'For me, this lecture and the opportunity to talk with Raja Konhaus face-to-face was very important,' Mr. Kachan said. 'It clarified some misunderstandings I had about Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture and brought a whole new light that made me feel so much better about this area.'

The event was recorded on tape and will be used as a teaching aid in future Forest Academies and related Sustainable Living courses. At the end of the visit, the students and faculty took a group picture with Raja Konhaus.

That evening Raja Konhaus hosted the Sustainable Living faculty at The Raj for an informal talk about future developments in the Sustainable Living Program that will bring more collaboration between Maharishi University of Management and the Global Country of World Peace and incorporate more in-depth knowledge of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture.

Raja Konhaus is also a founder of the Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute, which was selected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to certify producers of organic products. As an accredited entity, the Institute assesses and certifies that the organic production and handling operations of growers comply with National Organic Program standards.

Copyright © 2007, Maharishi University of Management

Global Good News comment:

*Forest Academy is a 2-week course which is an opportunity for the students to deepen their understanding of their own personal growth. Topics include skill in action, higher states of consciousness, cultural values, mind and body, creativity, collective consciousness, and world peace.

**Dr John Konhaus is the Raja (Administrator) of California for the Global Country of World Peace.

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