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Positive response from Belgium press
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
3 September 2007

Inspired by a newspaper advertisement about the Tower of Invincibility which the Global Country of World Peace plans to construct in Belgium, a second newspaper requested more details about this unique proposal. A lively article soon followed, entitled 'Maharishi Plans Tower for Meditation in Brussels'.

The article, which featured a large colour rendering of the Tower of Invincibility, reported on the plan to incorporate an Invincibility School for 200 students within the Tower. It described how, through their twice-daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique, these students would become the 'torchbearers' of a peaceful and harmonious society.

Quoting Dr Stijn Vandenbosch, National Leader and Founder of Invincibility for Belgium, the article said, 'Meditation has nothing but positive benefits'. It cited extensive scientific research on TM which demonstrates benefits for students, such as improved concentration and improved behaviour. The broader benefits for Belgium society were also discussed, such as reduction in negative trends including criminal behaviour and terrorism, and increased positivity and harmony, as reflected in improved governmental negotiating strategies within the country.

The article acknowledged the long history of teaching the Transcendental Meditation Technique in Belgium, and mentioned other plans currently underway, such as creation of Invincibility Centres and Maharishi Spas.

As previous reports have indicated, the site of the Tower of Invincibility is expected to be in Brussels, but organizers, encouraging a spirit of friendly competition, have stated that if another city presents a proposal for financing and construction, that city will have the honour of hosting the Tower. Elaborate, beautifully illustrated invitations were hand-delivered to selected affluent leaders of Belgium society, to encourage them to be the first to come forward to finance construction.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News (sm) Service

Global Good News comment:

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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