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The Lynch Weekend at Maharishi University of Management: Dr David Lynch answers questions on film-making and creativity
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 May 2007

In his uniquely genuine personal style, Dr David Lynch, award-winning film director and founder of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace, charmed his audience of students and film-makers, computer scientists, musicians and poets currently attending the weekend hosted by him at M.U.M. in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.

Dr Lynch, also author of Catching the Big Fish, explained his approach to creativity, whether it be film-making or painting or any other endeavour, saying that he just loves ideas and everything starts with an idea. 'You sometimes catch an idea that you fall in love with, then the job is very easy because the idea tells you everything. You just translate that idea into cinema.'

He explained that 'You don't make the fish [the idea], you catch the fish.' The ideas are 'like a gift that comes along. We play a part in the translation. We can catch and cook the fish, and the whole thing is in how you cook it.'

He explained that he works with his actors to produce such good performances by rehearsing together and seeing 'how close that rehearsal is to the idea that is talking to you.' If it's far away you talk with words to the actors and they catch the thing and then another rehearsal brings them closer and closer to the idea, and 'then suddenly they are there and feel that thing, and we're going down the road together.' Everything feels correct based on the original idea.

Dr Lynch answered a question about full potential and realizing one's ideas, saying 'If you realize your full potential you don't have to worry about anything!...You can catch and cook the fish as you want to. Enlightenment is total fulfillment, end of worries, and end of suffering. Wholeness, totality, fulfillment of all and any desires.'

Dr Lynch said that basically the expansion of consciousness is the only thing necessary for making films. 'And you need intuition or knowingness which tells you what is or is not correct and what to do.' He said that the internal unbounded ocean within is an ocean of knowing—so whether playing violin, or creating a film, that intuition is critical, so that you can zero in on the ideas. He said that common sense grows and intuition grows [through the practice of Transcendental Meditation].

He answered many questions about the details of his film-making, and about creating through bliss and not through suffering. The complete conference, which includes talks with questions and answers by both quantum physicist Dr John Hagelin and singer/songwriter Donovan is available at

For more information about Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness-Based Education, visit and

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