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Dr John Hagelin presents further information on the new Central University in the centre of the United States.
by Global Good News staff writer

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20 January 2007

In a special presentation broadcast live by satellite television and over the Internet, Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, presented further details about Central University, the Consciousness-Based university to be established in the centre of the United States—a powerful and unifying point for the whole country.

Dr Hagelin read the text of a new brochure, which also contains beautiful graphics, research references, renditions of the buildings, an aerial view of the campus, and many other endorsements of Central University.

This brochure will provide at a glance for any parent, student, educator, or investor, the strength and solid scientific basis of this new generation in the field of education—a capital of leadership for the whole world, a 'super knowledge university' for state-of-the-art leadership training.

Dr Hagelin emphasized the uniqueness of this new university, which he said, is truly a 'uni-versity', because it provides the unifying element or common source of all the diversified streams of knowledge, disciplines, and professions—the field of Total Knowledge, the Constitution of the Universe, or the Unified Field in the language of modern science. This university emphasizes the unity of the diversity of knowledge.

Dr. Hagelin listed the salient points contained in the brochure about the university:
* State-of-the-art training for a new generation of leadership.
* Revolutionary Consciousness-Based Education, which produces optimal brain functioning and superior educational results.
* Cutting-edge knowledge in every field of learning: health, education, science and technology, architecture and engineering, communications, government and defence, agriculture, music and the arts.
* State-of-the-art electronic display technologies for enjoyable, accelerated learning.
* Ideal quality of life and a vibrant community comprised of top students from America and around the world.
* Majestic marble campus built in accordance with ancient Vedic principles, adorned with rivers, lakes, and fountains, located in lush farmland in the exact geographic centre of America.
* Daily global Parliaments of Peace featuring leading representatives from countries throughout the world.
* The block system of learning one subject at a time promotes ease and thoroughness of learning.
* Students and faculty practise Transcendental Meditation and advanced techniques to promote happiness, health, total brain development, and superior academic performance.
* A lighthouse of peace and invincibility for the world—10,000 peace-creating students practicing Transcendental Meditation and advanced techniques as a group has been shown scientifically to produce a powerful influence of positivity, harmony, and peace on a global scale.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

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